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Everything posted by twistedxtemptation

  1. I use Limewire, never heard Frostwire. But Limewire can muck up my computer really badly when I'm using it
  2. care. woahh, this was long forgotten
  3. Its just like the chicken and the egg. Nobody will ever know.
  4. 1209 I'm higher than you all.
  5. Happy birthday Jay.
  6. Lol, those jokes r quite good. Lol. Soz, don't have any 4 uu...
  7. Sounds cool. My mum probably wouldn't let me download it tho.. Oh well! So u have a MAC OS X? Thats wat I have. A lot of pplz don't have them..
  8. I get it. Thats pretty funny.
  9. I just got home from seeing the 3rd like 10 minutes ago ;] Trust me, the 3rd one is so cool! Well on my opinion. ;]
  10. 4 the template part, u put it on one page (coded as well) then u just make a menu and main page, and junk. I'm not so good at explaining, I do kno, how 2 use all that junk and stuff, but I just can't seem 2 explain and everything, mainly over a computer..
  11. Some ppl may want 2 steal their WII so they go mad and kill pplz.. Lol. I think thats quite strange O.o Dying from a game console? Well I guess it could happen with little kiddies like me, hahe, like this kid at my school he threw a computer out a window coz he lost a stupid game. I mean someone like him could go and throw the console at themselves.. O.o
  12. Great joke.. >.< I was just a tad scared, 4 the other members, I'm not hosted my HelioHost.
  13. I have no idea.. Lol, I'm quite new myself :]
  14. I can't exactly be bothered 2 c it. I never have exactly liked the previous ones. Quite boring.
  15. Nothing. But I do sing, and dance.. But the dancing isn't well, yeah..
  16. I think FreeWebs is pretty good, and MatMice is pretty good 4 starters. But I HATE Piczo! Lol, no offense 2 Piczo!
  17. But hey, the old owners got A LOT of money ;] But I don't go on YouTube so much, so I don't really mind 2 much. But yeah, old news!
  18. Who cares about 'genres', the bands r pretty cool. But i reckon that they r pretty 'punk' and 'rock'. But I guess thats just my opinion.
  19. PINK!! I like it bcz its a bit GiRlY! ;] Lolz, and yeah, its just so purdy, and it refelects my personality bcz theres a few different pinks, and I like HOT Pink, and that means kinda crazy and stuff, and thats me! ;]
  20. hre is what you do: I start with a word; say, bake. then, the next person changes one letter to form another word. So it might go like, bake, base, case, care, fare, etc. The game ends when there is no longer a word to use! Oh yeah, and the word is four letters. Ohk, me start! Mute
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