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Everything posted by d3v123

  1. Hi, I've noticed that at some point, why does the data inside the database table getting deleted even though i did nothing? It seems like there's an issue here but i don't know why it happens.
  2. you can private message him i guess to help you
  3. Hello, aside from my previous account, I've recently created other account for the purpose of giving it to my classmates (as they requested) in completion for our Web System course that the class should have a hosting for our web projects. These are the account that are suspended Usernames: periodicojoshua dexquinox huareniland I Am very aware with the terms and services and I know one person should only have one account. The two accounts dexquinox and huareniland are not mine. Only periodicojoshua. Thanks
  4. I've already bought my own domain: ******* and already set up the nameservers too (see attached file below). Originially, my domain is: ******** Please change my domain into ******* Username:******* If ******** is not working. Please try this other domain: periodicojoshua.site With my same username: Username:******* Lastly, please make SSL. Thanks in advance. Best regards
  5. Hello I would like to request, I don't know if this is too much to ask for but first of all it's my first time that i was able to have both asp and php working I'm very glad. I already have my lily account thanks to wolstech. I've been finding a lot on the internet and luckily I was able to find this. My requests are 1. To register SSL 2. I would like to have my own folder named "periodicoIT56" . 3. I also need PHP 7.x and 8.x support 4. And most importantly. Is it possible that when someone/me is visiting my link. I would like (them) to see the DIRECTORY only. Not the executed default website because our instructor told us to do so, so that he can navigate the files I'll uploaded for my assignments. Thank you so much! I'll be waiting from your good response. Best regards
  6. Yes please make me an account. Thanks.
  7. Thank you so much!
  8. Should i wait, and how should i know. I'm sorry for asking because it's first time here
  9. Please i wanna have may ASP files but it seems it's not executed properly. It's not that a big project because I'm still a student and our instructor wants to have our own hosting so that he will only visit the site. We use both php and asp. He wants us to be hybrid. My asp just contains some basic activities from our class such as printing and variables as for now.
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