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Posts posted by bawanthabe

  1. 22 hours ago, Krydos said:

    I tested installing Laravel through Plesk on Tommy and it worked just fine for me. You must have corrupted your account somehow. I created a full backup which you can download if you need it from https://heliohost.org/backup/ You have 4 options:

    1. Reset your account to the default settings, which includes deleting all of your data, but this would fix Laravel.
    2. Install Laravel manually without Plesk's help.
    3. Switch to a VPS and use the Docker deployment of Laravel. https://heliohost.org/vps/
    4. Use something other than Laravel on your existing, albeit broken, account.

    I recommend option 1, since it's likely that Laravel isn't the only thing broken on your account, but that requires a lot of effort from you to restore all of your websites from backups.

    Okay I'll Handle

  2. Hey admin, I got ths error

    " Execution /opt/plesk/php/8.2/bin/php has failed with exit code 1, stdout: , stderr: Creating a "laravel/laravel" project at "./laravel_tmp"
    Installing laravel/laravel (v10.3.3)
    - Downloading laravel/laravel (v10.3.3)
    - Installing laravel/laravel (v10.3.3): Extracting archive
    Failed to extract laravel/laravel: (9) '/usr/bin/unzip' -qq '/home/ppblk.space/chat.ppblk.space/vendor/composer/tmp-b20df6c9330f0fac3512afd97a844de7.zip' -d '/home/ppblk.space/chat.ppblk.space/vendor/composer/fe6445d8'
    unzip: cannot find or open /home/ppblk.space/chat.ppblk.space/vendor/composer/tmp-b20df6c9330f0fac3512afd97a844de7.zip.
    This most likely is due to a custom installer plugin not handling the returned Promise from the downloader
    Install of laravel/laravel failed
    In ZipDownloader.php line 222:
    2afd97a844de7.zip' is a corrupted zip archive (0 bytes), try again.
    create-project [-s|--stability STABILITY] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--prefer-install PREFER-INSTALL] [--repository REPOSITORY] [--repository-url REPOSITORY-URL] [--add-repository] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-secure-http] [--keep-vcs] [--remove-vcs] [--no-install] [--no-audit] [--audit-format AUDIT-FORMAT] [--ignore-platform-req IGNORE-PLATFORM-REQ] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--ask] [--] [<package> [<directory> [<version>]]]"
    while install a skeleton to a sub domain. It's chat.ppblk.space can you install laravel for me at there !
  3. 5 minutes ago, wolstech said:

    Recheck name servers, still showing domain.com: https://bybyron.net/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=ppblk.space&rec=NS

    also, the best you can possibly do is going to be about 7.5 until you get a different domain.

    -0.499	FROM_SUSPICIOUS_NTLD	From abused NTLD
    -0.001	FROM_SUSPICIOUS_NTLD_FP	From abused NTLD
    -1.725	PDS_OTHER_BAD_TLD	Untrustworthy TLDs
    URI: ppblk.space (space)


    heliohost says there


  4. 7 hours ago, wolstech said:

    Yes SPF and DKIM can be fixed for any domain since they’re just DNS entries, but the fact that that the domain ends in .space is in itself a problem (major providers have blacklisted a lot of these “vanity” TLDs like .space, .zip, .page, .xyz, etc. because that are prone to abuse).

    That can’t be fixed without buying a different domain that doesn’t end in one of those.

    Still Says DKIM sign not valid

  5. 2 hours ago, wolstech said:

    It's because WP is badly coded software. This 504 error is one thing that can happen when the software is so bloated that PHP times out before it can finish running the Wordpress code. It can also occur during an Apache restart, but that usually goes away on its own within a few minutes.

    A stock installation is usually not too bad, but if you add any extensions to it, it becomes so bloated and slow that it usually won't run well if at all. Some extensions are worse than others, but Elementor, WooCommerce, and Wordfence are three that are well known to cause this. If you do get it to run with extensions, odds are you'll end up suspended for high load, which is what usually happens to people who use WP.

    People use it because its a well known name, but literally anything else is a better choice.

    As for the vulnerabilities showing on a new install, you probably need to update it after installing, especially if you install through Plesk since Plesk tends to have older versions in its software installer. Also, forgetting to update it regularly will usually result in a hacked account (and a subsequent ban when the hacker sets up phishing or sends spam).

    Oh Okay.

  6. 3 hours ago, wolstech said:

    You need to be using our name servers (ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org) for the records that Krydos set up to do anything.

    Also, one of the issues on that report is that the domain TLD .space is considered less than reputable. There is no fix for that besides buying a normal domain like a .com or .net and using that instead.

    Nameservers added. And Also am trying to buy a com domain or an org domain


  7. 17 minutes ago, Krydos said:

    SPF, DMARC, and DKIM have been set up for the domain ppblk.space. We recommend sending a test email to https://www.mail-tester.com/ to make sure everything is set up correctly. If your score is less than 10/10 please post the link to the full report so we can help you fix any other issues that you may have.

    I always work on escalated threads from oldest to newest. So each time you post something impatient like this you effectively move yourself to the bottom of the todo list. People who are patient and wait calmly get their issues fixed first. People who are impatient sometimes end up having to wait several days because they continue moving themselves to the bottom of the priority list with each post. Feel free to continue bumping your threads if you don't want your issues solved quickly.

    It only got 2.9


    This is the link

  8. On 9/18/2011 at 4:26 PM, i7Grendel said:

    Having free hosting is great, but you also need a domain in order to get your website online. You could of course use a free subdomain from your webhost, but that generally limits your options and means you cannot transfer your website elsewhere without having to change your URL as well. That's the problem a free domain solves. This list is composed of providers who offer free domains at no charge and give you full DNS control as well as the ability to use your own nameservers (or the nameservers of HelioHost).


    Free domain providers:

    FreeNOM - The company previously responsible for .tk is now also poviding free .cf, .ga and .ml domains. This is the only provider who offers free top level domains. But be warned,

    .eu.org - Free subdomain with rather complicated registration procedure. But this provider has been around since 1996 and most likely will be around for a long time.

    nom.za - This is a special provider. The good news: nom.za domains are not free subdomains, they are valid third level domains just like .co.uk domains. The bad news: there are a lot of strings attached to managing a .nom.za domain, which you can find on their website (and are too extensive to be covered here).



    FreeDNS is a service where people can submit their domains so other people can get subdomains from it. This community oriented nature means there are over 100,000 domains in there pool and many of them can be used to get free subdomains.



    This list has been made possible using the list from http://getfreedomain.name/


    Dead links (that may come back):

    Free Available Domains - A clean, no nonsense provider with free subdomains of usa.cc, sxx.in, flu.cc, nut.cc, ibiz.cc, igg.biz and tld.cc.

    .cu.cc - A popular free subdomain provider. They have been doing quite well in the last few years and have a neat referral program to earn some extra money.


    Interdots is a company with many different "registrars" under them. Each registrar is responsible for a number of domains they provide subdomains for, with each registrar being responsible for a different top level domain. Except for their names and domains they offer, all registrars are almost the same so if you've tried one, you've tried them all.

    nic.de.vu - providing free subomdains of various .vu, .tc and .ms domains

    PopNIC - providing free subdomains with the .pn TLD

    NeuNIC - providing free subdomains with the .vc TLD

    HomeNIC - providing free subdomains with the .hm TLD

    UNONIC - providing free subdomains with the .tf TLD

    MediaDots - providing free subdomains with the .mn TLD

    LavaNIC - providing free subdomains with the .lv TLD

    freenom Isn't available right ?

  9. Hey I've installed wordpress on my main domain. It displays [504 Gatewaya Time-out] most of the time. but in a sub domain I installed sitejet builder. It works fine all the time.

    The wordpress manager from plesk displays security Vulnerabilities when if it's installed recently and even if I didn't logged in yet. Can you set this up to me please. Or can You tell me what's wrong !

  10. 2 hours ago, MoneyBroz said:

    Gmail is known to reject emails that come from our servers. DKIM and SPF seems to be the most common issue. However even when these are configured for your domain, Gmail may still reject the emails or put them in spam.

    I'm Getting The Following Error


  11. 57 minutes ago, bawanthabe said:

    Can You add learn.ppblk.space, examples.ppblk.space, bawantha.ppblk.space, app.ppblk.space, chat.ppblk.space, social.ppblk.space Sub Domains.

    And Can You Activate the "Keep Website Secure" Option. Please



    3 hours ago, wolstech said:

    Domain changed. It can take up to 2 hours to start working.

    And My webmail.ppblk.space isn't working It Redirects where I bought the Domain Name. Not To RoundCube

  12. 2 hours ago, wolstech said:

    Domain changed. It can take up to 2 hours to start working.

    Can You add learn.ppblk.space, examples.ppblk.space, bawantha.ppblk.space, app.ppblk.space, chat.ppblk.space, social.ppblk.space Sub Domains.

    And Can You Activate the "Keep Website Secure" Option. Please

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