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  1. I feel the same way!
  2. Hi, I'd like to add a domain to my account, my username is scientistgray, and the domain I want added is tpotverse.helioho.st
  3. Hi there, My account has been suspended because of one of our users (Adam the pedophile) on solaris.heliohost.us decided to attack it and posted pornographic material on our website! I am super mad about this and I need my account reinstated!
  4. Thank you! I will set up django soon!
  5. Alright, Just stick with 4.1.5.
  6. Hi there, I would like to add a Django and python3 domain, with these specific things of what I need. Django 3.2.2 urllib3 lxml django-cleanup passlib bcrypt pillow django-markdown-deux django-markdown2 whitenoise django-xff The domain I would like to get is oak.helioho.st Thank you!
  7. Hi there, I would like to delete a HelioHost account I owned but then neglected. Please do not suspend this account, as I never used my old one. The other account I own has the email of graysubject99@skiff.com, and the username is graysubject99. It was actually neglected, since it was never renewed after its status was inactive. The old account I own would basically been rotting there if I didn't ask to delete it. So today is the day. As I said, PLEASE DO NOT SUSPEND "scientistgray". That is my new account that I have not neglected. Thank you.
  8. Hi there, I'd like to add a domain to my account, my username is scientistgray and I want grape.helioho.st added.
  9. Hi there, I'd like to have a domain added to my account, my username is scientistgray and the domain I want is anarchi.helioho.st
  10. Hi there, I would like to add just a single domain this time.. I'd like space.heliohost.us to be added please.
  11. Hi there, I'd like three of my domains deleted and vacant. The main domain will be nexus.heliohost.us The domains I request to delete are... hydra.heliohost.us bulbaverse.heliohost.us foxclub.heliohost.us The domain I want to add is star.heliohost.us If not available, the alternate domain can be pixel.heliohost.us My username is scientistgray Thank you.
  12. Hi there! I am wanting to add a domain to my account, my username is scientistgray, and the domain I want added is foxclub.heliohost.us Thank you!
  13. Some stuff wont work right without an .htaccess by the way.
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