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Everything posted by Ookma-Kyi

  1. I have switched my DNS back to Heliohost after a botched attempt to get ColdFusion hosting on a different host. Now when i access my domain it still shows the Plesk Default Page. I logged into Plesk and noticed my domain was disabled. I re-enabled it, but am still getting the default page. I even removed the Plesk Default Page using the file manager. my domain ookma-kyi.tech
  2. I am using SQLite at the moment but, plan on switching to MS SQL for the public facing site on Lily when the time comes. I haven't done it yet because I don't want to waste resourses and have blank databases. I am using the EF Command Line Tools locally which create migration files that I can easily migrate using a single command with EF Tools CLI installed(1). As far as the format, I have no idea, but feel free to look at my repository as all my migration code is freely available(2). References: 1 2 EDIT: I have thoroughly explained our present and future intentions regarding our database utilization.
  3. Hello, I am on the Lily server and was wondering, with no control panel or SSH access, how I would migrate my databases? Usually the steps are as follows: Install EF Core CLI Tools: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef Create The Migrations: dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate create the schema on the database itself: dotnet ef database update However, with no SSH access I am at a loss on how to proceed. Apologies if this is a noob question I am very new to .Net Core.
  4. Thank you, don't know if you saw my edit above, so I'm reposting it here: For now, the domain name for Lily is going to be app.ookma-kyi.helioho.st. Once I've verified that everything works, we can add app.ookma-kyi.tech to the app on Lily as well.
  5. I tried setting up my email account on my desktop client and now my IP is blocked. Please unlock it. Thanks
  6. Hello, I have successfully set up both a Helioho.st subdomain and a custom domain on the Tommy server. Could someone please tell me what setting I have to use to retrieve my mail using a desktop client like Mailbird, Outlook etc.? Thanks
  7. Removed because it was a duplicate of the previous post. Sorry
  8. Yep, that was me. The account is set up, and I'm accessing the Plesk panel right now. I can't seem to find the option to add my domain name ookma-kyi.tech I believe it is reference as "an additional parked domain". That is ookma-kyi.helioho.st and ookma-kyi.tech both redirect to the same site. Meanwhile I try to figure stuff out you can set up the Lily account. EDIT: Domain for my Lily account will be app.ookma-kyi.helioho.st
  9. Thank you, I'm going to try a few more times for the free account and if I can't get one I'll go for the Donator only account.
  10. Ah too bad, I was really interested in upgrading my Lily account to the max storage space allowed. When you say "2 accounts" does that mean I will have a site on Tommy and another on Lily? If so, can both use the same domain name? Here is the setup I plan on using: Tommy Domain: ookma-kyi.tech Type: Static Site Description: The main site for the project. Will provide an overview of the project and provide links to the project source code. Lily Domain: app.ookma-kyi.tech Type: .Net 6 MVC App Description: Demo site for the project. Will provide an instance of the project for display purposes. The instance will be severely limited to prevent abuse. EDIT: Since Tommy is "Donator only", does that mean it is more stable and less prone to bad actors?
  11. I haven't been able to register an account on Tommy. Everytime I try it says "Signups are closed for that plan right now". Does the Donation bonuses count on the Lily server? EDIT: Just checked and .Net 7 is the currently recommended version. Source: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download
  12. Thank you, I will keep an eye out for a response.
  13. Hello, I am learning .Net Core and would like to request an account on the Lily server. This is an open source project that I plan on working on over time. Thank You EDIT: I will be using .Net Core 6 for my project.
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