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Everything posted by michaelwschmidt

  1. Yes, I now know how much space I have. Thanks for unsuspending my account! And thanks for clarifying quota, I thought you were referring to bandwidth. I couldn't find a quota on bandwidth. I don't see me using a lot of bandwidth with my small projects. Oh I did find the email, for some reason searching "Helio" didn't work in Gmail, crazy right. I had to search heliohost. It got buried in my email....so sorry. Thanks again, and again I am so truly sorry for not paying attention 😞 and bringing the system down.
  2. Oh I'm an idiot. I'm use to seeing things in GB 😖...ok so I have only 5GB of storage. Holy crap! I am so f'in sorry for taking down the system. What is the quota again, I couldn't find it. Yeah, I should probably be banned for life! I didn't get an email, sorry.....and I checked my spam folder. I do have 2 projects that are small, if I could not be banned, that would help me....but I wouldn't blame you all.
  3. I've read over the terms of service, I still need help figuring out how I got suspended. I've been struggling to migrate/load my database for days....so I'm sure it has something to do with that. It should only be 20ish GB in size. Sorry and Thanks, USERNAME: michaelwschmidtSERVER: tommy2.heliohost.orgMAIN DOMAIN: mikey.helioho.st Also, I did try logging in in incognito mode, still suspended.
  4. I am having the same issues. I can't login to plesk or tommy and database is down. USERNAME: michaelwschmidt SERVER: tommy2.heliohost.org MAIN DOMAIN: mikey.helioho.st Go this trying to log into tommy:
  5. ok I'll do that, Thanks for your quick reply
  6. database: michaelwschmidt_job_description_analysis user: michaelwschmidt_jd_analysis_dba
  7. Just wanted to ask a general question, to see if my database user can directly login to the phpmyadmin web portal without logging into the plesk portal. I checked the box that says: Use this user's credentials by default for accessing phpMyAdmin Thanks, -- Mike
  8. Ok, thanks wolstech. Database users: michaelwschmidt_crypto michaelwschmidt_crypto_app
  9. @Krydos Can we resolve this on our own? I would like remote access to my postgress database as well database: michaelwschmidt_crypto_db
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