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  1. Good day, admins! I am writing to respectfully inquire regarding my account being suspended for 'high load' today. I was about to continue working on a website I recently requested to be added under my account. Upon visiting my website domain, I was greeted with a notice of suspension due to aforementioned reason. This was my first time around encountering this issue, and I would like to know how I exceeded my daily limit as per ToS usage limit policy, so I may know how to control my server load in the future. Here are the details of my HelioHost account for you to check on: Username: TheDannified Server: Tommy Main Domain: thedannified.helioho.st I look forward to hearing from you at your most convenient time. Thank you!
  2. Good day, admins! I respectfully request to register an addon domain under my Tommy account. Username: TheDannified Addon Domain to be registed: thedannified.me I have already registered the Heliohost nameservers in my addon domain. Please acknowledge receipt thereof. Thank you!
  3. Good day, admins! I respectfully request to register an addon domain under my Tommy account. Username: TheDannified Addon Domain to be registed: kitakitaproject.site I have already registered the Heliohost nameservers in my addon domain. Please acknowledge receipt thereof. Thank you!
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