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Everything posted by zero

  1. zero

    New Rule

    i wont abuse my powers ather
  2. the nano is good but its hard to clean the finger prints on the back and the front
  3. zero

    New Rule

    hey djbob can i be a mod i dont post much but i come here alot and i go through every topic sometimes and i can watch for spammers.
  4. what ipod do you want anyway djbob?
  5. today Apple realased a new ipod you can play videos on the ipod http://www.apple.com/ca/ipod/ipod.html
  6. i agree i am planning to buy one but i am going to wait till they fix the problem
  7. zero


    lol maybe the people at sony like bananna's
  8. i would use dreamweaver and flash and maybe adobe photoshop
  9. i think its 59 now
  10. i would pick IPB because theres tought security and custom BB codes and more
  11. 37 people died in london there were 700 wounded
  12. whoa that is ugly lol is he puting his leg down is his mouth?
  13. zero

    i have a question

    than what
  14. where do i pay my hosting payment do i click ibstore and send the money to djbob?
  15. ya i got that error to and yesturday i got alot of timeouts in my cpanel
  16. can i pay my payment earlier
  17. thx Herloss now i can get hosting
  18. v 1.3 is good but you cant install the new mods that only work on ipb 2.0 lol at invisionize there are like two or three mods for 1.1
  19. Congratulations Herloss good luck on geting your domain
  20. hi which game system is better PS2 or Xbox? i think xbox graphics suck but online playing is the best better than PS2 what do you think?
  21. have you guys beat all of the Zelda games
  22. i am from North Americia
  23. i picked windows because they have better features and mostly everything runs on them
  24. i picked a firefox since it cant cause alot a virus than iE
  25. thx djbob for answering my question
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