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  1. Dear @wolstech, I did some investigation. One can add maximum of 5 external e-mail accounts to one Gmail account. I have more than 5 e-mail accounts to monitor. But I have an idea but would like to know if it woks. When I have the following domain hosted at Heliohost: myheliodomain.com. And I have 3 e-mail accounts setup for it: mail@myheliodomain.com, office1@myheliodomain.com, office2@myheliodomain.com. These 3 e-mail accounts are hosted on Heliohost and not forwarded to external e-mail addresses. 1) Is it possible to forward office1@myheliodomain.com and office2@myheliodomain.com to mail@myheliodomain.com? (it is the same methodology of a catchall, where mail for non-existent users can only be forwarded to an e-mail address that belong to the selected domain) 2) Will each e-mail from office1@myheliodomain.com and office2@myheliodomain.com that is forwarded to mail@myheliodomain.com, be counted by Heliohost as an outgoing e-mail or not (I don't want to go over the limit of 50 outgoing e-mail/24 hour)? If the internal forward is possible, then I only need to add one e-mail (mail@myheliodomain.com) to my Gmail account. This leaves me 4 other e-mails to add (to cover incoming e-mails of 4 other domains). Kindly awaiting your reply,
  2. Dear @wolstech, thank you for your tip. I never have thought about that option. I will investigate. When I start doing this option, what will happen to all those emails that are already in my Gmail account? Will they remain or be deleted when I start using pop3-protocol for downloading incoming email from Heliohost MX-server? Kind regards,
  3. Dear @Krydos, thank you for your message. I do understand your concern and I do agree with you. I have the same concerns. Therefore just now, I have also configured my e-mail accounts in Plesk in such a way, that any spam is immediately deleted so it will not be forwarded to my Gmail account (it was still done with the *spam* indication). The reason for forwarding my e-mail to Gmail has multiple reasons. 1) for work purpose I have to use and monitor multiple accounts and by forwarding them to Gmail, they are in one overview 2) not to load the Heliohost server by not using storage space. You make a good point of using an e-mail client. Let me please investigate this option. I am not an IT-specialist so I have to figure out what the best option will be. Like using IMAP or not. And how to access the different e-mail boxes while on the road. Kind regards and thank you again for your support.
  4. Dear @wolstech, thank you again for you help and assistance. I am more than willing to make a periodic donation when more custom service is requested. In the past I had services with numerous providers and I wish to have it at one place + that I support the Heliohost approach. A group of dedicated people. πŸ™‚ I do receive some deferred e-mail. But some also not. When I try to resend them through Plesk's interface, I receive this message: Could not flush the selected message from the queue: Request failed with status code 404". Shall I just wait or are these e-mails lost?
  5. Dear @wolstech, thank you for your response. In Plesk it clearly says the quota is 50 per hour. That is also what you say and what the screen shot says that I sent earlier ("50 messages per hour"). But now you also say also it is 50 messages per 24 hour. This is confusing since there are 24 hours in a day (which means 50x24=1200 outgoing e-mails which honestly is a bit too much). 1) Well, whatever the setting of the quota is, can you be so kind to set a custom quota of 75 on the subscription (and each hosted domain)? Like you, I don't want to be involved in spam. But obviously I need a bit more quota regarding my e-mail communication. To reduce forwarded e-mails, I have diminished e-mail alerts already (only app). 2) And can you please re-open my account/subscription, so I can receive the e-mails that are in the queue right now? 3) Or another option: is it possible to apply for 'unlimited' in return for a periodic donation? Of course within a fair use policy? Heliohost will always be in control after all. πŸ™‚ Kindly awaiting your reply.
  6. Dear Wolstech, thank you for your reply. I did not sent these e-mails as outgoing e-mails from my computer (by smtp). These e-mails are forwarded incoming e-mails, received on the MX-server of Heliohost and forwarded to my Gmail-inbox. I understand from our earlier chat, that these forwarded e-mails are also counted as outgoing e-mails too. For your information: I do receive many regular notification e-mails that are simply forwarded to my Gmail-inbox. That is why it can be up to 5 or 8 e-mails in one hour. At the moment I only have 14 e-mails that are deferred/delayed to be delivered. But the ones that are rejected is much higher. Those rejected e-mails are the ones that are send to non-existing e-mails. Since the catch-all feature has been disabled, rejected e-mails are removed. They also do not show up in the deferred/delayed overview. So that is good. After I disabled the catch-all feature last week, these e-mails are rightfully rejected and should not be counted as part of the hourly limit. But are they? I think Plesk is not working as it is designed because of the following: 1) Please see attached screenshot. It says that the limit is set to 50 e-mails (messages) per hour and not per 24 hour period. That is why I think there is a Plesk error, because I do not override 50 outgoing/forwarded e-mail per hour. Kind regards,
  7. Dear support team. I am not receiving e-mail. In the 'Outgoing Mail Control' section I suddenly see that my setting of '50' is now '0'. I am not going over the limit of 50 at all. Please see attached screenshots of yesterday and of this morning. It happened at midnight probably. Last received e-mail was yesterday at 22.33h. Can you please help? 1) Why is my limit suddenly '0'? Something must have triggered this. 2) Can you please restore my settings back to the original 50? Your kind assitance is highly appreciated. Thank you! πŸ™‚ (user: vvenet)
  8. [UPDATE] Dear @wolstech, just to inform you, please see attached graphic. From the moment the catch-all feature had been disabled around 19.00 hour, all returned back to normal proportions instantly. Thank you again for your kind understanding and support! πŸ™‚ One final question in this regard. At the Outgoing Mail Control page, there is still this warning message I: β€œ1 subscriptions exceed limits”. What is the time period this warning message will reset itself automatically?
  9. Dear @wolstech, thank you again for your kind understanding and support. πŸ™‚
  10. Dear Wolstech, thank you for your reply and info. It is highly appreciated. The gmail account you are referring to is not a dummy account (despite its name). Please trust me on that. And I never receive tons of e-mail. And all e-mail settings on Pleask worked fine untill one week agon. Regarding your two proposals: please neither of them. Because I have solved the issue myself now I think. Let me please explain. I also noticed that since one week, I received an incredible amount of spam. I found out myself it was due to the catch-all feature on the domains in my account. Since two hours now I have disabled all the catch-all features on all domains in my account. It was all forwarded to mail@hcdirven.nl, so that is why they were in cue for that e-mail address. Since that moment I have disabled the catch all feature (two hours ago), all spam has stopped (so also no forwards anymore to mail@hcdirven.nl). All these e-mails tot non-existing adsresses are now rejected. You can check it yourself in Plesk: all email send to "Mail sent to non-existent users" is now rejected. For your information: the reason I use mail forward to Gmail is actually to relief Heliohost systems for not taking too much storage on your platform/network. So my kind request is 1) to leave the e-mail settings as they are right now and 2) to enable my subscription since all has returned to normal now. Lesson learned. πŸ™‚ Thank you for your support and understanding. Kindly awaiting your reply.
  11. Dear @wolstech, thank you for your reply. I have no idea were this is coming from. When I look at https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/, my load is almost nothing. I find it so strange it is only coming from the the main account name vvenet.heliohost.us and not from the other domains + emails that are in the main account. Also when I look at the webmail of vvenet.heliohost.us, there is no e-mail there (not incoming or outgoing e-mail). I have no contact forms and I have strong passwords. I appreciate if you can look into this. I would not know where to start since I can also not see the origin of these send-out e-mails and where they are send to. [UPDATE] Just to be on the safe side, I have disabled the catch-all forward feature for non-existent mail addresses ( like anything@domain.xyz). Kind regards,
  12. Dear support team, In Plesk, I have this warning text on top of every individual e-mail that has been setup in my account: "Warning: The limit on outgoing messages for an email address (10) cannot be greater than the limit for a subscription (0)." I did try to figure out what this means and how to resolve it myself. The more in researched this, the stranger it became. Maybe there is a fault in Plesk's configuration? When I go to Plesk' 'Outgoing Mail Control'', I see this overview: Email addresses: No attempts to exceed limits Domains : No attempts to exceed limits Subscriptions : 1 subscriptions exceed limits To my astonishment, my vvenet.heliohost.us has the following reading: Limit per hour: 0 Attempts after Reaching the Limit: 4767 Last attempt: Oct 2, 2024, 02.00PM Mail Status: Sending When I zoom in this by checking Outgoing Mail Control of vvenet.heliohost.us, I discover that Attempts after Reaching the Limit over a one month period are 3113 and that it started on September 30. The strange thing is that I am not sending e-mail from vvenet.heliohost.us. Furthermore, I have no idea what & why this is happening. I assume that there is a setup fault at Plesk. Can you please investigate and restore my 'subscription' ? Kind regards
  13. Thank you dear @wolstech and @Ookma-Kyi. All works well now. πŸ™‚
  14. Thank you for your kind assistance. As you probably know, Plesk has a default value for e-mail size. Plesk however also allows individual settings for accounts (and the domains stored in that account). As a safeguard, HelioHost has already set cpu load and since e-mail size can be determined on individual accounts (and its stored domains), the chance of abuse is quite limited. πŸ™‚ https://www.plesk.com/kb/support/unable-to-send-receive-emails-on-a-plesk-server-message-size-exceeds-server-limit/
  15. Thank you for your kind proposal. However, that is not always an option. For multiple reason like professional representation. Also the main e-mail providers like Google, Microsoft, Apple allow e-mails of the size between 20Mb and 50Mb. So it also looks a bit strange if one has to send attachemnts seperately by file sharing services. And by the way, also incoming e-mails with larger attachments (still under 20Mb) are bounced, so they are not received by me. In Plesk, Heliohost has set a limit of the amount of e-mails to be send out (10/hour). In Plesk it is also possible to set a size limit for incoming and outgoing e-mails (up to 75Mb). However, this has to be done by Heliohost/admin.
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