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Everything posted by oradoe

  1. It seems that Quiz in the store is in trouble
  2. Japanese has more than one language, Kana, ...
  3. Not exactly. I just replied for fun, even though I've seen what was going on Only me, who is from Eastern, is fooled!
  4. Ah! I realise it! I have deposited before I collected! When is the bank reseted? Midnight of the server, admin's time zone or user's time zone?
  5. Oops! I lose, but with happiness! Long live HelioHost!
  6. But you disabled the Collect button!
  7. Thanks! But I have just seen somthing like "Helion is shutting down". Then ...
  8. You mean all our account will be delete , and there is nolonger Helio Networks free host ?
  9. Admin, can u here me?
  10. 2% per day once a day.... get it before you deposit helions..... when the button is activated or you loose that days intrest.... please look at the store it says this info. Per day? I put H100 in the bank 3 days ago but still have H2 for the interest!
  11. Are you still considering my account?
  12. What is the interest? 2%/day, 2%/30dayd, 2%/month, 2%/3months, 2%/6months, 2%/9months or 2%/year?
  13. Oh yes! I was totally wrong, my user name is really canbodoa. Sorry because canbodoan is always in mymind, but this system required a username nolonger than 8 letters. Hope you will review soon. Oh yes! I was totally wrong, my user name is really canbodoa. Sorry because canbodoan is always in mymind, but this system required a username nolonger than 8 letters. Hope you will review soon.
  14. Hey hey! What\'s up? Old and new? I don\'t understand! Cpanel username: canbodoan Domain: www.canbodoan.org mysite http://www.canbodoan.org:2082/frontend/x/index.php mycontrolpanel Reason: Works with vBulletin Everythings ok! I am using it. Check again please. Just go striaght www.canbodoan.org or www.canbodoan.org/index.php http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/dnstime.ch?n....org&type=A reuturns I don\'t know whether it is on old or new server.
  15. It happens more and more usual. Whenerver I want to reach http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php or other link of this forum, it redirect to . Then I have to use http://www.phproxy.org as a solution!
  16. Done, then there are two ads at all. Hope you remove the 1st asap. Sorry for the delay!
  17. First of all, its default is actually 8M. Secondly, I am using vBulettin in which attachment system is mysql-base and the largest is approximately 8M
  18. Can you please raise max_packet_allowed of mySQL to 8M since I cannot myself set via .htaccess although SAFE_MODE is off?
  19. Cpanel username: canbodoan Domain: canbodoan.org Reason: Works with vBulletin
  20. All ftp I tried has go down. ftp://ftp.heliohost.org/ ftp://heliohost.org/ ftp://ftp.mydomain.heliohost.org/ ftp://mydomain.heliohost.org/ How can I upload such big files?
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