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Everything posted by oradoe

  1. T_T, sorry, does it mean "deleted"? I had a remarkable database there, and the last backup cannot fully recovery it!
  2. My account user is: canbodoa My domain is: canbodoan.org I have tried to log in, but unsucessfully. And I was unable to find somethink like "Forget password?" Please give me some instruction to deal with it. Thanks you very much. Regards
  3. Oh, I thought I could not do any thing but follow the link. I have logged in my account. Thanks for your soon answer. Have fun
  4. I received an email on Sep 26th, said that my account on heliohost.org (user:canbodoa, domain:canbodoan.org) was about to expire, and that I could renew it by visit http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php?username=canbodoa . But when I do, it said that Any ideas?
  5. oradoe


    I thought upgradation is noun of the verb to upgrade
  6. oradoe


    How about mysqli class in PHP 5.0? It worked well before the upgradation.
  7. oradoe


    FTP is still down, isn\'t it?
  8. My site use mysqli_init(), which was fine 24 hours ago, but is not at the moment.
  9. Ok guy. Just an open discussion. I have already asked his permission to open this topic!
  10. oradoe


    It seems online now, but the script doesn't run probaly
  11. is it an online tool?
  12. Regularly, $7/year with full DNS, 25$/5 years with same features
  13. Well, comparing to domain price is a good solutions. But $10/domain is some what expensive!
  14. ) Ok, if you want, i'll sell you 40 helions/$1, which means twice as your rate, and that I just only have to have 4 posts for $1.
  15. oradoe


    Does Helion support it and how to use it to copy file (by sever) from host to host?
  16. Well, I think we'll have a deal for the rate , and the quality, too. HerLoss is no longer active? What a pity! If only he sold his (or her) account to me
  17. I want to pay $10 for 20000 (20K) Helions.
  18. going to /~ashoat/ is the other problem >_<
  19. Disappointment, but thanks however!
  20. It did, and does. It just happened in the last 2 day!
  21. Can you see if it can come true? Customer will place H banner on their host so that thay can earn extra points (#100->500) a month!
  22. I am easily logged-out in last 2 days that I cannot post anything, and lost my bank-interest, too!
  23. oradoe

    Helions for Reviews

    However, I hope that my suggestion will be carefully considered!
  24. oradoe

    Helions for Reviews

    Does this programme include putting HelioNet banner (not googleads) on our sites to get 100->500ps/month?
  25. I wonder how BS thinks bout it!
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