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Everything posted by manish_kvs

  1. Hey guys, Can anyone suggest an innovative and new idea that is aimed at helping the common people. And by the word common, i mean really common, the ones who don't have four wheelers and all that luxury stuff. And one more thing, as I am the only person working on it, the project needs to be simple and not too costly. I am an engineer. So please suggest something of my type. All ideas are most welcome. Howsoever ridiculous it might be. Your help will be highly appreciated.
  2. I use the internet provided by my institute which is filtered through its proxy servers. Generally it blocks torrent but I am able to run that using Vidalia bundle. But, I 'm stuck with gameranger (Onling gaming software). Can anyone help with this issue? I tried all possible settings but I didn't succeed.
  3. i made a page and now i want to upload it on my site. i am using a database table and i want to place it at appropriate place. i just want to know, "Where should i place my xxxx.sql file?"
  4. The world is not going to end in 2012. I bet a million dollars on that. If it ends then just come to me. I'll give you the money...
  5. Thanks to all. I am using Windows7. I installed wamp and i was able to configure it correctly. Now I can at least see my progress. I'd like to ask one more thing. I am new to this HTML world. I have superficial knowledge of almost everything. I mean HTML, CSS, PHP, flash web sites. But i think that its not that perfect, that allows me to make a professional website that features user login and posting etc. It would be quite helpful to me if i get the code blocks for separate jobs. I will assemble them together to make the site. Can you tell me a place where i can find this. For ex - If someone gives me complete login system code and another one tells me how to manage the database, i can make the site.
  6. I use dreamweaver cs4 to design webpages. But i'm unable to use that in case of php scripts. In my design window, i don't see the effects of php script. I think this happens because there is no php server there, integreted inside dreamweaver. While making php site, it gives the options to set php server if i want to edit it locally. For that, i installed "wamp", but i think i was unable to configure them well to make my job done. So, lastly i want to ask for any easy solution.
  7. Congrats man, You are in team now...
  8. Hey soul, how is it going man? Are you still having problems?
  9. Hmmm, yes, that will do. And for the second thing, he will have to set the access keys to ADD REPLY button and its all done.
  10. Can you tell me one thing? Where should i post suggestions to improve this site? For ex - I want to tell the admins that whenever i click on fast reply button, the cursor doesn't automatically moves to the text box. Instead i need to click inside that. It would be better if you change the code a little bit to fix that thing. Moreover you should assign a key combination like ctrl+Enter or something like that which performs the same function as "add reply". Since, it is a fast reply system, it needs to be fast...
  11. manish_kvs

    Awesome news!

    No No, it can't be. Facebook must be using more than one servers. Thats a huge community and it can't run that smooth from just a single server. Once helio grows, dj will have to add more servers too and that in different parts of the world and synched with one another in order to maintain the speed and reliability. For ex - what if hard disk of cody crashes. Then all the 22000 sites will be destroyed in a moment, as well as the reputation of helio.
  12. Hey guys guys guys! I think there is some mis understanding. I've read all guides and i know all about these .tk and .co.cc accounts. I am asking about the free domain you provide after a user completes 400 posts and three months on this forum. I wanted to know: "How do you get free .com or .net domains to distribute among the users?" Obviously, you won't like spending money to get that.
  13. @ ADMINS: by the way, how many sign ups are allowed per day? Whats the idea behind limiting the number of sign ups? I think you should increase the limit because some days before i saw another user having same problem.
  14. here it is: http://img7.imageshack.us/i/logojb.gif/ Thanks for your care and support. You guys are just awesome.
  15. I can't chmod stuff (well, at least I don't think I can - another admin might be able to confirm this?), so we will have to wait for another administrator to fix this. EDIT: For now, please can you reply to this topic and attach the avatar you desire, and I will add it to your account from my end. Oh man! I think all upload directories have been blocked simultaneously. I got an error "Upload failed. Please ask the admin to ensure the uploads directory is available"
  16. Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: The upload failed. Please contact a member of staff to help rectify the problem I got this error while uploading a 5.9kb .gif image for my avatar. Please help.
  17. Just have a look at the bottom right corner of this page. you will see time section there. that time zone is used by all the helio services. Keep an eye on that time. just after it crosses the specified time, try to sign up for the new account. it will work. don't worry. I too got this error message the first day and on second day, i had a working account.
  18. How to back up my site that can be used to restore it fully through the cPanel??? Actually, i wanted to try some softwares. but i know very less about that. One thing more! suppose i install dolphin. how to uninstall that? Do i get an option for that after installation?
  19. I have a question here for the admins. I read that you provide free domains to users based on some ICANN rules. I searched the net but was unable to find such procedure that they give free domains for free. So, how its possible to register a free domain name? Please treat my question as curiosity.
  20. Hey soul, i see you are new to helios. well when i joined it, i too got the same error pages for about one week. sometimes, i was unable to open my cpanel. sometimes my homepage didn't load. but soon everything went fine. At that time, server load used to be around 30-40, but these days i never see it above 20. Now everything is fine for me. One more thing,i'd like to tell you that: whatever you are getting here for free is far better than other free web hosting services. I have tried some of them namely 110mb.com, webs, x10. Some of them placed ads, some were slow and rest didn't give the flexibility, you enjoy here.
  21. manish_kvs

    Awesome news!

    Hey dJ! you deserve compliments man! can you just tell one thing. as per your rules, you measure the cpu usage. whats the maximum, i can do within that constraint? just give me a quick example and not the mathematical data. for ex - can i host complete facebook on your servers? if not then for how many users, a facebook type site i can keep there???
  22. Manish from India. 20 male. hobbies- 1)killing time 2)time killing 3)wasting time
  23. LP, PCD, Timbaland
  24. india
  25. manish_kvs

    Awesome news!

    hey guys! this much service must cost a fair amount of money. how do you make up for that anyways. you just give away everything for free. even there are no ads. well how much total space is dedicated to helio services now? earlier it was 1 tb. is it the same or increased? what so ever, the service you provide is mind blowing.
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