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  1. as soon as the account can be moved, I would like it to be moved, if a contribution is required, no problem
  2. I need to move my server account, previously it was on tommy server, but after upgrading to plesk my account was moved to johnny server
  3. Hello Krydos, thanks for helping me, I have another question if I want to increase my space, how much does the donation have to be?
  4. Hello, I already sent my identification card to be added to the white list. the message was sent to krydos, who is the admin who is helping me
  5. does not allow me to email images to support@heliohost.org
  6. does not allow me to email images to support@heliohost.org
  7. ok I'll send it to you in a moment
  8. ok, I share my computer with other colleagues, this may affect that, since I suggested that they create their account in this provider
  9. Did you request a backup of my account please, or is another donation required?
  10. from what I see, the other user's account is free, so I would ask to keep my account since I made the donation and the other account is free, so you can do it again later
  11. Why two accounts, I don't know if it is related to the fact that I am accessing from work, since there are several departments and we all use the same computers donate only $ 5USD to my account, so I don't know if that's the problem
  12. Why two accounts, I don't know if it is related to the fact that I am accessing from work, since there are several departments and we all use the same computers
  13. my account was suspended HelioHost username: softsys the server your account is on: Tommy your HelioHost main domain http://softsystem.heliohost.org/
  14. is the same problem? :v
  15. Thanks, I will check the .htaccess file I hope the problem is solved
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