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Everything posted by ETB
technaily this would be spam too because of the introductoin thread
well i can't understand that but your mamas so skinny she choked on a grain of rice.
i feel that marrgies is a bond that ties two people together no matter what gender if you bond closly and love each other i think thats all there is. Who ever is against it needs to think. If you think it's wrong for guys to marry guys well maybe those people think it's wrong to marry women. You have to look at it in both perspectives. Im totaly for it. At times I feel uncomfatrobly around gays and lesbains, buts thats if they try to hit on me.
i like some girls in the us but ones in rual areas not the city. I like swedens girls and europians and aussie basically but i like a lot of different types but mainly most fall in those 4
well good luck with that can i be number 2
ok that was just offense i don't like anyone of you talking bad about my mom she my be short and fat and dumb and all these other things but that dosen't give you the right to talk about her like that. I hope your happy im going to cry in the corner now.
a good captoin for the effil tower one is Yes i just hit that guy with my logie. the other ones i have seen them befor or things simular to it
i know but i didn't want to say your name with out your permissoin so i just said something else
A compitoin idea could be something that inloves truth or dare type things
Hello IM Ethan and im an acholic umm srry wrong place umm where was i oh yeah im Ethan and i too am cursed. Every time i try to learn something new i fail so i stoped now i just like to hang oput with people. I got refferedto this forum from someone on fgf and decided to check it out.
no i read it in a magizen i think egm about some one dieing from useing the wiimote wrong and killing themself with it and it wasn't by sezuir either.
Here is some random stuff that happened to me and may be funny to some When i first started to ride my bike for the first time I rode down a stteep hill on the grass. Half way down i was swirving very bad then all of a sudden i hit a rock and my whole body flipped over my handle bars and i kept going. By now my pants were burning from the tire rubbing on it. I get to the botom and hit a street sign. Thank god for the sign or else it would have been another house. Well when i got up there were no marks but i had lost a tooth. I remeber one time when i was getting off the bus i flipped a tooth upside down and it poped out in the same place as i was laying down as i hit the pole a year befor When i was short and super skinny on the school bus i could go under the seat and crawl and scare everyone on the bus by poping up. I even did it to the bus driver i once made a girl jump across the aile into the other seat. When i was four i would flip my dresser and bed and anything else in my room even if they weigh 5 times my weight. Once i flipped my bed and it came back down on me. Once my sisters dressed me up in a dress and make up after they tied me down. Of course i can't rember it but my sister now says that i got revenge by beating them up with a curtain rod when i was3 or 4. I can't rember doing this so don't say im a bad person. Me and my friends would play with my cats and one time he threw the cat at me and it sracthed all the way down my face. One scrath looked like the scar scarface had.
yo mama's butt so big that when she sat down she got 3 feet taller. Thats the oldest yo mama joke i know
Ok trhis is sexual so don't say i didn't warn you This boy brings home his date and the start to get friskey so he says to the girl that they had to be quiet because his little brother was on the bottom bunk. He madfe a code if she wanted it harder she screams tommato and if faster lettuce. She screammed tommato tomato tomato then lettuce lettuce letucce., His little brother shouted out "stop makeing sandwhiches you got maynois all over me. If you don't understand it it's ok i can't tell jokes over the internet well
i tend to not like pe or gym as we cters call it again because our school we have to go over drills on how to play even tho we have done it for 3 years but thats not my least favorit class. MAth is the worst i used to9 like it but my teachers suck the fun out of it. My current class say one word out of place shell freak out and give you a detntoin.
this year it would have to be science i have the best teacher she isn't mean at all very nice and we have fun in her class. If you asked me 2 years ago i would say math but since ive had the meanest teachers for math it is no longwer fun for me.
I personally was split between the wii and xbox 360 till my firend brought his 360 over. I like it better then the ps3 because they have no innovateing features from the psp so why pay that much more for it. The xbox is solid and so is the wii but xbox has nmore fetures then the wii dose and the wiimote is like guaiter hero once you get used to it it is no longer fun.
well since the season over to late to say who i thought. I really wanted the chargers to win ive been a fan of theres since blitz came out for the N64 if they didn't miss that feild goal the superbowl could have been totaly different. I think it was a dumb move to let keil go tho.
i never saw it but the actor who plays him is not my favorit. Though i did like the comic books about ghost rider. I haven't really liked any movie that was made from a comic book so i wouldn't want to see and probaly never will.
I think it is one of the dumbest moives every made no one wants to wacth 2 staright guys go on a gay cruise and see mens [bleeped!] unless your a girl that is then maybe
that is one of my favoirt movies off all time. It was mtvs first movie and about cockroaches anyone wacth it befor
What your life would be without the internet or even if the computer was never invented. There are all these little 10 yr olds that take the internet for granted most poeple our age cannot remeber a time without a computer, I know i can't but i know how it feels not to have a computur for awhile and it sucks but you get over it. Some of these kids don't sleep just to play an online game or an online forum. These kids are wasteing away by doiing nothing all those kids are americas future and if half of them have no brain forom the computer then imgaine what our president will be in a feww electoins.
1 do not jump over a bonfire. i fell face first in 2. do not feed a fire bread and cardboard while in a bakery parking lot Not sure what happens i ran away from the cops 3. Don't jump off a roof I smashed my head off the ground 4. Don't drop kick anyone that will sue you. I fractered a guys foot 5. Do not ride a bike down a hill when you firsty start riding I flipped overe the handle bars didn't let go and ran into a pole 6. Never bounce on the bed My teeth went through my lips 7. never lay in the middle of the road i almost got ran over from this jerk trying to get me to move 8. don't go out with a girl that has her whole family that hates you and are drug addicts its just commen sense 9. don't go swimming in a swamp I did ion a dicth not swamp but same difference right. I got dunked by a branch and almost drowned 10 never go to the dark side they do not have cookies i repete they do not have cookies
These bands do not deserve to have there genre called rock or punk. Panic at the disco is to popy to be rock it sounds like it would be played at a dance. Greenday sold out. there old stuff was ok but as soon as they did american idotit it was gone i lost a lot of respect for them. Him is so far from my favoirts list if i had to rate them it would be 0. I hate them so much the only reason they were popural is because bam margera listened to it and i hate bam no bewcause he sold out and is to overrated now. Him sings all love songs to andf most of them have death invloed. Like there album razorblade romacne. The was not one song that didn't envole being emo.