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Everything posted by ETB

  1. the garifeild ones aren't as funny
  2. The dude wait what is totally like me and the he found the cars keys. Also the justice system one is how i feel too
  3. and i thought that the spared one was creepy the shadowcat defaintly needs a face lift
  4. dam you jope how did you know i checked your pics out. also i posted there your mamas so fat that when she blah blah blah the blah blah blah that she did a blah blah blah blah.
  5. that no one was spared is kinda creeping me out.
  6. thats funny and origanl
  7. umm maybe you can buy different skin chocies for like 500 or maybe a size bosster for you avater or personal photo or siggnature for like 250 or a new smily set for 100 we could start a karma thing and helion donatoins would boost up karma Im just brain storming.
  8. ETB

    Forum Upgraded

    i was wondering why i couldn't get on eailer.
  9. no like you have to go do something at a certain websites and stuff like that
  10. It to dangerous to post more pics alone. take this! The I ben spotted one is cool
  11. i play it when im bored as hell which is mainly never
  12. joe i feel uncomfotable around lesbians because my girlfriend is bisexual lol
  13. this are so funny yet cute. i feel srry for the emo one tho and i like the "I came" one and the "I has a favor" the best so far.
  14. I like the first one. When i play football i saw something simialer.
  15. your mamas so stupid she did check out your pictures
  16. can't that will result in me gertting suspeneded
  17. ETB


    i like most of it manily the end was the funniest tho and what was shown in the previews
  18. ill try it E-mail: Deathshado4@hotmail.com
  19. floding is not double posting i mean when you make a ton of new threads that have a subject but you never intend for them to be answered and youll never reply to it.
  20. heres a chessy one Boy: did it hurt girl: did what hurt boy: (did it hurt)when you fell from heaven another one is your name summer because your hot Boy: do you have a little (stat heritage) in you Girl: no Boy: would you like too
  21. I think it would be a neat idea but also poeple could flood the forum too because people are bent on getting the most post. it woulnd't be considered spam but flooding is just as bad.
  22. if your days are so boring then do something about them start a basketball, baseball, football game invite some friends over, go for a bike ride, go for a walk, go out to eat, go over a friends house, or go to sleep, help around the house are all things you cann do that help when you have a boring day why aren't kids doing all those instaed
  23. i was not trying to be racist i had no idea you were asain at all. anyways when yo mama wears a yellow rain coat people call out taxi
  24. i like it but after the first few you expected it as you read on.
  25. 1556 wait wait wait i lost count lets restart
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