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Everything posted by alecdavi

  1. Do you guys enable php extensions by request for accounts? I was just testing something that requires the php extension intl Just a question
  2. Thank you, I was able to reset the password through the cpanel terminal. Still do not understand why the password changes after every non-active attempt.
  3. Hello, I keep forgetting to login once a month, so everytime I find my email stop working I realize I have to login again. Problem is, everytime I reset and activate my account again, the password that I literally just used to sign on the first time stops working, I then have to reset the password. Everytime I dont understand why I can login with the password to activate the account again and then after its activated again I cant sign in to the account. Recently I just activated my account again and tried to login, the password didnt work, followed by the password reset not working and getting this error below. "Uh oh, there was an error changing your password. The admins have already been notified of the problem, but if you would like us to manually change your password for you please contact support. You could also try resetting your password again. " So however I need to change my password, i need it changed to login. Furthermore, Id like to request an IP unblock in advance because everytime my account is deactivated my ip is blocked for some reason. Email: godincorp@outlook.com IP: redacted
  4. Can you please unblock my Ip Thank you <3
  5. Thank you!
  6. Hello, Due to the covid-19 I have been really busy and just noticed that I havent logged into my account. Could you please unsuspend it. Main domain: alecdavis.com username: godincorp@outlook.com Thank you!
  7. Okay, attempting to add the domain now. Thank you. Will edit this post later. Edit: 2:55 P.M The problem is resolved. Thank you to anyone that helped resolved this. I appreciate you.
  8. Hi, Having a bit of a problem with adding the domain name "alexkirwan.net" to my account with the add-on domain page. Upon adding the domain I recieve the error: I have tried deleting the all subdomain/folders that the addon page makes when adding a domain name. I cannot however delete the dns entry for "alexkirwan.net" on my account. I need someone with whm access to: Go to WHM -> DNS Functions -> Delete a DNS Zone and remove the zone for the domain name alexkirwan.net, so that I can try and add it again to my account. Thank you to whatever mod/admin fixes this issue and just want to say I love the helio host community!
  9. Could you please unblock my ip?
  10. I dont know why my ip keeps on getting blocked due to IMAP logins. It seems like every week I have to fill out a support form. I have checked every device that has my emails on it. Nothing seems to be failing to login ever. IP: Thank you!
  11. Thank you!
  12. Hey, Forgot to login to my panel for the month, just unsuspended my account but while I was suspended my devices tried to connect to the IMAP server and my ip is blocked now. Could you guys please unblock my ip? Thank you!
  13. My account was suspended due to not logging in, and I got it back now. But while it was suspended my devices were attempting to connect to the emails I have setup and now my ip is blacklisted. Could someone please reset it? Thank you.
  14. Ive been trying to reset my account password through the online form, it keeps saying that the load is too high to reset the password. I also tried resetting it through the cpanel version but im not getting a validation email. Can staff please reset my password: username is alecdavi ---------------------- SOLVED. DELETE THIS!
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