Hi everyone, My previous web-host stopped functioning entirely, so I am trying to set up from a backup rather than an active site. I'm getting stuck over what I'm sure are the bare basics of site migration. My old site ran on WordPress. I've restored the database from a .sql backup file I've transferred everything that used to be in htdocs (which included wp-admin, wp-content, wp-includes folders and php files) into the public_html folder. The php pages show a 500 Internal Server Error message if I try to load them. What am I missing? Any help would be much appreciated. UPDATE: I have things partially working now. wp-config.php needed to be updated with the new server, database, username and password I've also changed file and folder permissions to 644 and 755 respectively - which is weird because they had more permissions before? I still have to go through all the subfolder/file permissions, which might fix the remaining issues. If not, I will update or post again. UPDATE 2: I have been all the way through the wp folders and subfolders now, and permissions on all folders have been changed to 755 and permissions on all other files in those folders are 644, so everything should be accessible, but only the text of the page is loading, no formatting or images. Any ideas? http://thebrooksreflections.heliohost.org/