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  1. After backup what I'm going to do next?
  2. I hope johnny will be online again soon, thank you for the effort
  3. Okay, waiting for that....thanks
  4. great news
  5. nmbayu

    Great SSL News

    Its a great information......Thanks Krydos...
  6. okay thanks for the information....
  7. What about those who won thanksgiving prizes in 2019, did they also get noticed on the position schedule for getting plesk?
  8. nmbayu

    Plesk ETA

    sorry about that, please pay attention to your father first, I don't mind...
  9. nmbayu

    Plesk ETA

    Im understood for that information, thank you very much, I hope transfer to plesk control panel run smootlhy, can't wait that....
  10. nmbayu

    Waiting Plesk

    when plesk come to my website on tommy? I really hope it....
  11. Im waiting too.....
  12. How about progress plesk control panel right now? Is there any web is already moved to that or not?

  13. nmbayu

    Database Cleanup

    good, I hope the progress run smothly.....
  14. Good news, can't wait to use plesk control panel, I hope everything just run smoothly with plesk.....
  15. I use joomla untill now I never get suspended because high load... Thank you, I already download it, I hope plesk panel build is done as soon.... 🙏
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