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  1. Hi. My domains are suddenly displaying Plesk's default missing website page: mathieupadget.com mathieupadget.me I only realized this today. Is it caused by this topic's issue? They're using ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org heliohost domain: mathieupadget.heliohost.org username: mathieu
  2. That worked. Thank you.
  3. Thanks so much! Still having issues, but wasn't sure if I should start a new topic, so linked to it from here.
  4. My aliased domains were recently pointed at Plesk, but they still don't have the right security certificate, so not working yet: mathieupadget.com mathieupadget.me In the dashboard under SSL/TLS I clicked Reissue Certificate, and tried to include the domains with the free Let’s Encrypt. Then it says: I'm guessing this is something I can't do myself here? So asking for help again, please.
  5. Hi. I recently moved to Plesk and my aliased domains are still showing the old website. My account is: mathieu My url is mathieupadget.heliohost.org I have 2 domains aliasing the same: mathieupadget.com mathieupadget.me My nameservers are configured as: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org After I moved to Plesk, I updated some pages. mathieupadget.heliohost.org is now showing those updated pages but when I visit the aliased domains, they still show the website as it was without the new changes. The aliased domains also still seem to be using the long expired cPanel certificate. In the dashboard under SSL/TLS for each each domain alias it says: “Not Secured : The domain alias is not included into the main domain certificate. You can try to reissue the certificate manually.” When I try to use Reissue Certificate, it says: “Could not issue an SSL/TLS certificate for mathieupadget.heliohost.org” Then further down, it says: “Your domain in Plesk is hosted on the IP address(es): , but the DNS challenge used another IP:” Not entirely sure what I'm doing, I wondered if I needed to turn on “Synchronize DNS zone with the primary domain” but when I tried that, it said: “Warning: Permission denied.” The email I received when transferred said, “Your domains have been transferred to the new server...” but does that include my aliased domains? I'm pretty certain the problem isn't my browser cache, as I tried a different browser too, and because it's working for mathieupadget.heliohost.org. Do I just need to keep waiting for another day for the changes to take effect, or is something wrong?
  6. Never mind. It's already been updated now. Thanks so much.
  7. Hi. Today I sent a donation for moving my account (username: mathieu) to Plesk. I put “mathieupadget.heliohost.org” in the description. I'm about 90% sure I used the same email I've used here as for Paypal. Since then, my position on the ETA page has updated from 103 to 93, and still “based on the donation total of $0.00”. I'm hoping that's just because it still hasn't been seen and updated yet, but checking here just in case the donation wasn't matched to my account. Thanks.
  8. I just found the thread from when it happened last time (December last year): https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/37987-suspended-hh-mathieu/ Since that happened, I rarely used my Node.js app, and told all my friends not to use it, just in case that was the problem (all I have besides that is a few minimal html pages). I remember briefly trying my app again recently (half a week or so ago, maybe?), but I don't know when my account was suspended. I just saw it today.
  9. I don't know why my account is suspended. Username: mathieu Server: Tommy domain: mathieupadget.heliohost.org This happened once before, and I never found out why except to be told that I was using too many resources. Could it be because I used my Node.js app the other day? It's quite a simple app. Could it be that I'm using Node.js incorrectly or that I've written a bug that's making it repeat some resource use? Mathieu
  10. Hi, my username is mathieu, I'm on Tommy, and my main domain is mathieupadget. Why have I been suspended? What can I do to get back ASAP? Thanks.
  11. That was the one. Thanks.
  12. Hi. I've long dreamed of using Wasm server-side, so I was very excited when Node.js was announced for Tommy! Thank you. I'm still a little new to Node.js, though. I downloaded Node.js version 10.16.3 to be compatible with Heliohost, wrote an app in JavaScript and Wasm, and got it working on localhost on my Windows 10 computer. To finally upload it, I sort of followed the instructions at https://wiki.helionet.org/Node.js but I must have done this part all wrong because because it's been about 21 hours since I uploaded it, and I still see the 404 error when I try to visit the page. Here are the things I'm concerned I may have done wrong, but I'm not sure which is the most important thing to change, if any: My main JavaScript file is not called “app.js” as in the instructions, because I had called it something else when I first began the project.I didn't enter “Node” in the “Name” field as the instructions said to, but rather used the name that I used when I first initialized the app with “npm init”.I didn't enter “node” in the “Application URL” field as the instructions said to, but rather name of my app, because I'd like people to be able to use the <domain_name>/<app_name> to open the app.I didn't enter “node” in the “Path” field, because I'd like to add another app to my site later, and I hadn't written my first app to be 2 apps from the beginning.I uploaded all the files, including the “package.json” file, the “package-lock.json” file and the entire “node_modules” folder. Should I have rather just uploaded only the files I wrote and then used some npm tool in cPanel to install the dependencies? If I click “Ensure dependencies” in the Application Manager, it gives a green message saying, “Dependencies ensured...” and a ticked “Done”. Again, is this something I should have clicked before/instead of uploading all the package files?About 2 hours ago, I uploaded an empty tmp/restart.txt file, but still the 404 error. Which of the above things should I change, and which of them are fine? Is there anything else I may have done wrong?
  13. For about the last week I've been trying to log into Heliohost to prevent my account from being suspended at the end of the month, but whenever I try to visit http://www.heliohost.org/ or http://heliohost.org/ my browser gives me a “Server not found” error: I receive this type of error message, even when I use a different browser on a different device on a different ISP. My own website was still working, but now that I've been unable to sign in, my account has been suspended and I've received an email telling me to go here to renew it: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew But of course, going there just gives me the same error. Mathieu Sorry, I forgot to include: username: mathieu server: stevie domain: mathieupadget
  14. How do I make UTF-8 the default encoding in File Manager? If I click "Disable Encoding Check", will I be able to set UTF-8 as default, or will it keep going to some form of ascii as it usually displays first in the popup menu? My HTML files each contain: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> But this doesn't seem to help. When I use the HTML Editor or Code Editor, it usually gives ansi_x3.100-1983 in the default option in the popup menu. When I use Text Editor (which I prefer to), it usually gives us-ascii as the default option. I intend to make extensive use of Unicode on most of my pages. I only ask because it's irritating having to select "UTF-8" each time I edit a file, but I'm afraid to click "Disable Encoding Check" because I'd rather select it each time than not be able to. Is there a setting to make UTF-8 the default encoding?
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