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Everything posted by debajyot

  1. Before changing the main domain,it was debajyo2.heliohost.org and there was a free ssl from cpanel and after changing the main domain to debajyoti.cf ,the cPanel ssl is not generated for the new domain.. So can you please generate the ssl for the domain or guide me for this same??
  2. Thank you all for your time and efforts for this service...I really appreciate that.
  3. The web link may be not working to delete the accounts... http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/delete Moreover please delete the domain name ggfiles.cf as I am unable to add this in my acc
  4. And please delete my johny server account named debajyot,and my ricky server debajyo1..and keep remain the tommy one debajyo2.
  5. Hello....I got a server in tommy...I was importing all my files from my old host to the tommy one and generally this causes huge amount of cpu resources..now all my importing are done and I can assure that this amount of higher load will not be there again in the server..So is it possible to Unsuspend the account now please??
  6. Can the johny server handle a average traffic website having WordPress and daily 2000 pageviews average?? I was hopping to transfer here...Here is the domain https://gadgetguys.in
  7. Thanks...It is working now.
  8. please active my account...it says it is on queue. http://debajyot.heliohost.org
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