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Everything posted by zacharyw

  1. I tried too many times to login to my SFTP account with the wrong password. Oops. I appreciate the security measure. Thank you. user: zacharyw
  2. My bad for using an incorrect password; I was testing a client (RaiDrive) I don't think I like. I do like the security precautions you take, though. Thanks for everything.
  3. I started working with PHP on Heliohost today and this turned out to be the exact and only barrier to getting my PHP scripts to run. My SFTP client, WinSCP, doesn't show file octal values but the alphabetic permissions set. Should anyone end up here and have to change permissions, 0755 is rwx rwx r-x and 0644 is rw- r-- r-- After more searching about the SFTP command line and the ability to changes files and folders recursively, I ended up using FileZilla. In the remote file pane, selecting file permissions from the context menu of a folder presents the option to change permissions recursively for folders only, files only, or all.
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