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Everything posted by fbmw@bk.ru

  1. can you help me to creating email address into every domains with name "mail" in my account frt21@bk.ru thanks u
  2. thanks a lot
  3. can you help me to adding this domains into my accont frt21@bk.ru febian.tk bluefame.tk ayesa.tk mp3asse.tk feb.web.id fav.or.id febian.net fav.or.id mer.my.id thanks you
  4. Username: frt, sub domain: fr.heliohost.orgHi,I made a donation of $2 for the moving to Plesk. The emailaddress used for paypal payment is frt21@yahoo.com, but my registered emailaddress on heliohost.org is fbmw@bk.ru. Please check the payment thanks service@intl.paypal.comView all messages from sender Visit site Receipt for Your Payment to Helio Networks service@intl.paypal.com ToFebian Rachman Nov 2 at 2:42 AM www.paypal.com Hello, Febian Rachman You sent a payment of $2.00 USD to Helio Networks (admin@heliohost.org) It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account. Transaction ID Transaction date 0E980462RN2758354 [https://www.paypal.com/cgp/app-redirect?intent=xo_email_txn_details&src=RT000016&ref_id=0E980462RN2758354&url_clicked_desc=txn-id-hyperlink&v=1&utm_source=unp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=RT000016&utm_unptid=50b1e430-5a1d-11ed-ad4c-40a6b7228015&ppid=RT000016&cnac=ID&rsta=en_US%28en-ID%29&cust=RVN84NZMUVWD6&unptid=50b1e430-5a1d-11ed-ad4c-40a6b7228015&calc=f262240a47687&unp_tpcid=email-receipt-xclick-payment&page=main%3Aemail%3ART000016&pgrp=main%3Aemail&e=cl&mchn=em&s=ci&mail=sys&appVersion=1.123.0&xt=104038%2C127632] Nov 2, 2022 02:42:00 GMT+07:00 Merchant Instructions to merchant Helio Networks You haven't entered any instructions. admin@heliohost.org 802-884-3546 DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE QTY AMOUNT Plesk transfer donation $2.00 USD 1 $2.00 USD Subtotal $2.00 USD Total $2.00 USD Payment $2.00 USD Charge will appear on your credit card statement as "PAYPAL *HELIOHOST" Payment sent to admin@heliohost.org Funding Sources Used (Total) Visa x-7904 $2.00 USD Issues with this transaction? You have 180 days from the date of the transaction to open a dispute in the Resolution Center.
  5. Username: frt, sub domain: fr.heliohost.orgHi,I made a donation of $2 on 2 Nov 2022 for the moving to Plesk. The emailaddress used for paypal payment is frt21@yahoo.com, but my registered emailaddress is fbmw@bk.ru. Please check the payment.Thank you
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