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Posts posted by fjmduran

  1. Hello, thanks for your time.
    When I try with FTP on port 21 with several internet connection, I get the same behaviour:
    Status: Resolving address tommy.heliohost.org
    Status: Connecting a
    Status: Connection stablish, waiting welcome message,
    Status: Inicializando TLS...
    Status: Verify certificate...
    Status: TLS established connection.
    Status: Registered
    Status: Retrieving the directory listing...
    Command: PWD
    Reply: 257 "/" is your current location
    Command: TYPE I
    Reply: 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
    Command: PASV
    Reply: 227 Entering Passive Mode (65,19,143,6,254,32)
    Command: MLSD
    Error: The connection exceeded the timeout after 20 seconds of inactivity
    Error: Error retrieving directory listing



  2. Hello, I can not SFTP connect still, I have try with internet connection of my work, my house and my smartphone.
    I want read bitacora.txt file that my java application generates for log. File is generated with permission 640 in logs folder. Logs folder has 777 permission. I change bitacora.txt permission to 777, but when I reload page, permission change to 640 so I can not read file, I get a error http 401: could not read file “/home1/fjmduran/logs/bitacora.txt” as uid 4165



    Any idea?



  3. Hello, I can not connect by SFTP, I have read instruccion for it https://wiki.helionet.org/Uploading_files_to_your_site and I have read solutions in foro but it not run for me, Filezilla report me:
    Status: Connecting to tommy.heliohost.org:1342...
    Status: Connected to tommy.heliohost.org
    Error: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server
    Error: Could not connect to server
    Status: Waitintg for reconect...
    Status: Connecting to tommy.heliohost.org:1342...
    Respuesta: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8
    Command: open "fjmduran@tommy.heliohost.org" 1342
    Command: Pass: *********
    Status: Connected to tommy.heliohost.org
    Error: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server
    Error: Could not connect to server


    Server name: Tommy

    User name: Fjmduran


    Any idea?


    Thanks in advance

  4. Hello, I have read in this forum that read log file of tomcat server is not possible. I have desployed a Java servlet application but its response is not successfull. I have tested in my tomcat server and it runs successfully. I use java.util.logging.Logger to write errors, how could I to read the problem of my java application in Tommy server?

    My Java application try to read postgresql database in Tommy server (tommy.heliohost.org:5432/fjmduran_cestacompra)


    User name:fjmduran

    Server name: Tommy





  5. Hello, I have been tryng to access PostgreSQL database, but it has been unsuccesfull.

    I have read in forum about my error "Error: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "***.***.***", user "fjmduran", database "fjmduran_cestacompra", SSL off" but I do not find solution. I am sure of database name, and user name and password are right.

    My connection string is "jdbc:postgresql://fjmduran.heliohost.org:5432/fjmduran_cestacompra","fjmduran","*"

    I have try change fjmduran.heliohost.org by tommy.heliohost.org, but is was unsuccesfull, same error.

    I have read in forum, that Krydos needs to enable remote access per database and per user.

    Please, could you open access for any IP? Thanks,



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