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Everything posted by mattia95

  1. Hi! When I try to connect to my files with the URL http://myusername.heliohost.org/cgi-bin/ I get an error saying that my account has been suspended for inactivity. The thing is that my account is not suspended and everything works fine if I log in to my control panel. What could be the problem? Thanks
  2. Thank you very much! I found out that my code works with another email address so it's sure that the problem depended on Google. I'll try with my gmail address following your tips.
  3. Hi! I'm trying to run this python code on tommy: import imaplib import email mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('imap.gmail.com') mail.login('myaccount@gmail.com', 'mypwd') x,y=mail.status('INBOX','(MESSAGES UNSEEN)') messages=int(re.search('MESSAGES\s+(\d+)',y[0]).group(1)) unseen=int(re.search('UNSEEN\s+(\d+)',y[0]).group(1)) print messages print unseen It doesn't execute it because it doen't print anything. Can you help me? Simpler codes with only a print execute well
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