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  1. Hey there gsakola! I checked your domain on my end and both https://gsakola.com and https://www.gsakola.com return as correctly secured. I feel this is a bad cache issue on your end, maybe? Try browsing your website in incognito mode or in a different browser, do you get the same result?
  2. That fixed it wolstech, thanks. 👍
  3. Thanks wolsteck, I will do that and report the results here.
  4. Hello all! Sorry to hijack gsakola's post, but since I'm experiencing the same issue, I figured I'd write here instead of creating a duplicate ticket. The difference is that my certificate is still valid until October 2023 (the dashboard states that my domain is secured) and I didn't change anything in the Plesk settings. Is this something that's maybe linked to the recent server changes and will fix itself over some time? My account is nox (nox.heliohost.org). If I need to create a new ticket, just let me know and I'll do that, sorry if I didn't do the right thing.
  5. Hi there, I have a VPS with HelioHost and realized I don't really use it. Would it be possible to cancel the subscription? Thank you
  6. Thanks wolstech, Just ordered one.
  7. Hello, I am having troubles with the WAR deploying process on my Java-enabled account. I can upload my WARs properly, and they show up in the available WARs to be deployed. But whenever I deploy a WAR, the currently deployed WAR gets undeployed and the new one gets deployed. I know Tomcat7 allows multiple WARs deployed at the same time and I'm wondering why I can't do that from the cPanel interface. Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I haven't got it to work so far. Thanks for your help. nox
  8. Thanks a lot sir, Have a very good day.
  9. Sure. (Sorry for the delay) Donor name: Maxime Methot Donation date: April 15, 2019 Donation amount: 5.00 USD Thanks in advance. nox
  10. Hello! About a year ago, I donated for the Sparkie server on GoFundMe and had my Tommy disk space quota doubled as a result. I just recreated my account on the new Tommy server but I don't see the upgraded quota anymore. Username: nox Transaction ID: 4065-1934-4930-5835 Thanks for your help and your wonderful service. nox
  11. Alright, I did not know that. Thanks for looking it up guys, much appreciated.
  12. Hello, I have Java enabled on my account, and it says I should be able to execute JSP pages under public_html. I've created a test page to make sure of that, but it fails to render a very simple directive, which makes me think that Java is either not correctly installed on my account or Tomcat may have crashed. Here's the test page I've created: https://nox.heliohost.org/pangeos/test.jsp It only contains this: <% out.println("No worries."); %>It should show the words No worries. without the tags, but I do see the tags when I navigate on the page. Thanks for your help.
  13. Renaming the files to remove the pound signs did the trick. Thanks a lot Krydos, much appreciated.
  14. Good morning, I recently asked for Java to be reinstated to my account (it was removed due to a Tomcat service problem, I believe). Then, once I got back to cPanel > Java, I uploaded two WAR files to be deployed. I can see the files in the file manager, but the Java section does not see them. The only option I have is the Upload WAR button. I can't deploy any of my WAR files. --- I know war deployment can take a while, but I don't think it should be that long for the platform to initially see the files. Thanks in advance for your help.
  15. Thanks for your help, much appreciated.
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