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OnEnemy last won the day on November 21 2023

OnEnemy had the most liked content!

About OnEnemy

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  1. Can it be changed to OnEnemy? Thanks
  2. can samsara.helioho.st be removed too? Thanks.
  3. Hello, can you reset my forum account back to member. I also wanted to add a domain to my account (talksick): samsara.solorpg.com It's for my upcoming game I'll eventually release. Thanks guys.
  4. "ERROR56: Unable to determine IPv6 of account" Escalating...
  5. Iirc, it's a security issue. Escalating...
  6. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  7. https://wiki.helionet.org/accounts/suspension-policy If I recall correctly, the wiki is linked on sign up. I assume nobody reads it, which is the common thing to do anyway.
  8. Is there an error that came up or screenshot you can show us?
  9. Looks like the domain has already been added? But as an additional Domain, not a main. Ill escalate this to see what the root admins say or can do. Edit: Nevermind. My dyslexia got the best of me. It seems as if its already your main domain. Are you sure its the correct nameservers? ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  10. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  11. Please post the following information: Your Plesk username Your main domain The server that you are on
  12. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  13. PHP updated to 8.3 last month. We have 8.2.13. You should be fine as long as you choose that version for whatever it is you're using.
  14. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
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