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Posts posted by Kyougi

  1. end the war im sick of it iraq can sort out its own problems sorry iraq

    I'm sick of people with your attitude. Thank goodness that the mass media isn't the way it is now during WWII.


    "end the war im sick of it europe can sort out its own problems sorry germany"

    "end the war im sick of it the jews can sort out their own problems sorry jews"

    "end the helping of sick kids in africa im sick of it the africans can sort out their own problems sorry africans"


    And so on.


    It's understandable when people want to end the "war" against terrorism (not Iraq) because the US Government is being selfish, however, it's no excuse for the people to be selfish. If THAT attitude stuck around during WWII, we'd no longer have Europe, just Germany. We'd have no more Jewish people in Germany, except Hitler's bloodline. Oh, forget about the sick African kids, they're already all dead.

  2. but is firefox used more that the wndows internet

    Hah, if Firefox was the one most commonly used, we'd be complaining more about Firefox and less about IE

    Still prefer Mozilla Firefox, wasn't made by Microsoft and is stable, and not tied into the actual kernel system, so viruses are harder to kill your system if you use Firefox.

    In Vista, everything runs in userspace. Nothing has direct access to the kernel and hardware.

  3. Why would someone random on the net just donate randomly to a random person on a random website? That's just randomly random. Not many will donate just so someone else can get a laptop.


    How'd an eighteen year old get a paypal anyways?

  4. Well if you don't any one to spam then why not close the old topics or delete them? It doesn't seem that hard to do. And I think you can do it on these kind of IPBs...

    Necromancing is spamming in an old topic. OH, and get this. Posting on old topics isn't automatically spam. When you post in an old topic like a "Hi, I'm a new member here, but I don't post 'cuz this thread is actually a year old" thread replying that you're new too providing absolutely nothing constructive (multiple times, by the way), that's counted as spam. We're fine with resurrecting new topics to provide something constructive.


    How about this, how about if you don't want me to fine and warn you, then why not post constructively in topics instead of posting one liners. That doesn't seem that hard to do, and I think you can do it on these kind of IPBs.


    As for the rest of you, the more one-liners you post, the more I hunt your posts down and try to fine + warn you. Members like Asgard and Demi:Pulse make my life easier.

  5. Blu-Ray is outselling HD-DVD by more then 2:1


    HD content needs more space, and thats what Blu-Ray has.

    Actually, it's more. It doesn't matter, however, as they count PS3s in their sales figures. Stand-alone players as well as media sales are roughly 1:1.


    I hope you realize you can fit several hours worth of HD content using a lossy codec such as DivX/XviD on a standard single-layer DVD. If we're going lossless, a single-layered HD-DVD is still overkill for a full featured movie. What do we need the Blu-ray space for, 2160p? Also, the largest reason for the adoption of the Blu-ray format by several large producers is because of Blu-ray's more advanced protection scheme.


    While Blu-ray appears to be winning at the moment, HD-DVD can always shift the market as they've done in the past.


    This media war is stupid anyways. Where was all the hubbub during the VCD-Lasdisc-DVD times? And what about the HD audio wars? This whole thing was just brought up because of Sony and flamewars are spawned from moronic fanboys that can't see anything past their own bigotry.



  6. The patch just removes the blurred parts iirc. This patch isn't made for those who want to watch nudity, it just makes the game how it's supposed to be viewed. Real life isn't censored in a way that private areas are blurred out so why should a simulation game be?

  7. I have something to ask about the Helionet domain too. How come djbob didn't buy a .com domain? Its more common and its predictable. When someone hears about helionet, like me, i assume it must be a .com domain as it is common. Is a .com domain more expensive than a .org?

    This is my guess to djbob's thinking. Unlike many other people, djbob probably knows the difference between the different domain names. A .com domain is supposed to be used for commercial purposes, a .net domain is supposed to be used for networks, and a .org is supposed to be used for not-for-profit organizations. The .org domain makes the most sense for Heliohost. While .com domains are more popular, it's not correct to use a .com for a free host.

  8. For sure it is, and yeah do you know guys that the web hosting space is being finished rapidly as millions of pages are being hosted on internet everyday, we should try persuading people only to host websites which make sense and are good for people rather than hosting sites which are useless.

    You might as well agree with scrapping net neutrality. That is one of the key arguements against net neutrality if you word it slightly different. The internet is free, whether it's crap or not doesn't matter in a free.

  9. Only because a lot of unfriendly people are here.

    Just stop posting if you don't want to be here anymore.


    I'm mean because you're shigging spamming all over the place. We warned you and all. "Hey! Are you a new user? Read the Guidelines. If you don't, we'll fine you. Seriously." I've actually been nicer since you're new, I would of banned you by now if you were an older member.

  10. Yeah, the Wii is gimmicky, and people seem to like gimmicky.


    Sony could have easily done with half the hardware specs and half the price, and would have probably sold alot better.

    Gimmicky is fun.


    Probably, notice how people started buying PS3s like mad when they dropped 100USD off of the price and said that it's only temporary. I heard that the PS3 was originally not going to have that GPU since the cell processor was designed to function as a GPU as it calcuates vectors quickly. Third parties are unfortunately not taking advantage of the cell because multi-thread programs are hard as hell to program. Hopefully, SquareEnix's White Engine will catch on. Beautiful real-time raytracing.

  11. OMG Kyougi don't even mention "Final" Fantasy... when are THEY GOING TO END? What's the whole point about "final"

    Final Fantasy was Square's last-ditch-effort back in the olden ages. They drew in the last of their money to create what could potentially be their last game, and it succeeded. The series that SquareEnix is known for is the series that saved them.

  12. You cant even say the Wii is better then the PS3. The Wii is just a fad now. Its not going to last much longer. Ill give it another year.


    How long can you play Wii tennis and not get bored?

    Preference is subjective. How long can I play any game without getting bored? About an hour. If it were with a friend, I can play it all day.

  13. Hi, welcome to HelioNet! I'm new too. :lol:

    This is an old topic, don't necromance. If you don't know what necromancing is, Google it.


    Anyone who replies to mini-mod will be warned and fined.

  14. My space is for noobs and i think a professionalist in web designing wont use that website to make its own website. Its for newbies.

    Yes, a professional web designer probably will not create a myspace on his own will, but professional designers work on MySpaces all the time. Using MySpace is a good marketing strategy.

  15. That's why they're not releasing the WiiMote+Nunchuck compatibility for SSB, They're rather appealing to the GameCube owners that didn't move to the Wii and the SNES and NES and 64 game downloads.

    They denounced that a while ago. SSBB will recieve four control schemes, one with the wiimote alone, one with the nunchuck attachment, one with the classic controller, and one with the GameCube controller.


    It's safe to assume the scheme with the wiimote alone and with the nunchuck attachment will use motion detection.

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