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Everything posted by cameronh

  1. Hi! Thanks for the support and sorry for the late reply! I did a few things that seem to work, but I'm not entirely clear if they're redundant. First, I reinstated my .htaccess file. I wrote an exception rule in .htaccess file to rewrite the /oauth/ part of the call. RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(oauth/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(media/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(admin_media/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(dispatch\.wsgi/.*)$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /the925/dispatch.wsgi/$1 [QSA,PT,L] I also changed my urls.py file in my django application to recognize empty calls and reroute my oauth folder. Finally, I put a .htaccess file in my public_html folder: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^$ /the925 [L] Now, when I write http://the925.io, I get rerouted to http://the925.io/the925/ I'm happy with this result for now! Thanks again for the support. I'm always learning through your advice and grateful for your service. Donating now! Cameron
  2. Hi! I've been able to successfully launch an Alias for my site, but wanted the document root to be different. I tried Addon Domain and have waited a few days to see if time was the issue but am still receiving a 500 Internal Server Error. My original domain at cameron1.heliohost.org works and I can see the Addon domain on Cpanel with the intended document root. I have added ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org to my DNS nameservers on GoDaddy. My domain info as follows: Original Domain: cameron1.heliohost.org/the925/oauth Addon Domain: the925.io Document Root: /public_html/the925/oauth 1. Do I need to provide more info to resolve this issue? 2. Is there a way of knowing if my Addon domain is configure correctly and I just need to wait more? Thanks in advance- Cameron
  3. Could you install it for python 3.6 please. Thank you very much Krydos.
  4. Hi! For this project I'm using Python3. However, I originally wrote my webapp in Python 2.7.
  5. Hi my username is cameronh. I've been having trouble with my password resets and and have gotten locked out. Please My IP is Thanks, Cameron
  6. Hi! Noob here. I just got hello world running from your cookiecutter! I've tried adding the rest of my files but it seems it can't find NLTK for word tokenizing. I'm gonna try and roll my own at the moment but wondering if we can get NLTK installed on Tommy? If not, no worries and thank you so much for building this community.
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