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Everything posted by gma

  1. Maybie the old server could go online for a little bit and then retrieve all your data? Just a suggestion... -ag
  2. so, why not always deposit your helions? (Whats the downfall of depositing?)
  3. Yes, you DO suck at making skins You're so evil Anyway, I don't think it is too difficult... if you know what you are doing and have the same style for all the graphics...
  4. they're all photoshopped. :F but the sign one was pretty funny.
  5. gma


    this is a canadian thread only. your post will be marked as spam. not really... Im not from Canada but im less than an hour from the border.
  6. smart ftp has good interface and works great. EXCEPT, when you have another tab of a website open at the same time, you will run into annoying problems, and errors. Shouldn't be a problem though.
  7. Wow, this was a really old topic. More description in the story would be nice. But the idea was pretty good. Kept me interested.
  8. gma


    the only problem is, they usually say to plan ahead of time and then mark it late. But, it does fool some teachers... I just do my home work.
  9. soo many people mod the Xbox I didnt...
  10. now the 4gb nano is only $200 I think... I have the new nano...
  11. anything you would normally have to pay for is probably illegal when you upload it
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