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ballagyr last won the day on March 16 2020

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  1. You can close the topic, there is nothing more to be said. Thanks!
  2. The htaccess provided by Wackwiki was kept original. Therefore, there is no way I could have caused the problem myself, it simply occurred while I was away. Because all I did was install Wackowiki, configure it and close it in maintenance mode, in the following days I had logged in several times with maintenance mode activated. All I can say about what happened is that I had a problem, which was somehow resolved, but the cause is still unknown, this is unfortunately still a fact. Anyway, I appreciate your attention, few people bother to do this.
  3. One curious thing about that htaccess that I forgot to mention is that it was part of Wackowiki, so it certainly isn't the cause of the problem. Because I checked later when you told me you renamed it to disable it, so to be sure, I renamed it back and php info continued to work. This just raises more questions, because I don't know what caused the problem or how it was actually fixed. It just happened...
  4. By renaming the htaccess you made PHP work again, but I must clarify that before all this, PHP worked and Wackowiki worked, everything worked, just as I had left it. But something happened in the meantime that I was away that made everything stop working. Furthermore, I had only changed the NS from CloudFlare to HelioHost, because you suggested I do so and I took this opportunity to test CloudFlare, which is normal. The problem has been resolved, but we have not yet discovered the cause, which would be more important to know how to proceed in the future.
  5. I ran all the tests, changed the NS and everything seemed normal, the problem was not with CloudFlare, since even after changing to HelioHost's NS, I still had problems accessing "Wackowiki" that was installed there, strange that only php info had started working again, before it returned a blank screen. I don't know why "Wackowiki" had stopped working or the cause, but I didn't want to waste time with that and removed it. I have a backup of the content, so I decided to do everything again from scratch.
  6. This site has always been on CloudFlare and it worked, I checked if there was an IP change and found that this is not the case. PS: I'm going to disable CloudFlare temporarily to see if the problem isn't with them.
  7. Hello, this my domain is having problems with PHP, I noticed that the "info.php" file does not return any information, I found that the problem is not the version used, PHP just stopped working. I checked the other domains and the problem only affects "openvms.eu.org". I would like you to take a look, thank you!
  8. OK, you can close this topic. Thanks anyway!
  9. Yes, I can do that, I'll create a folder with a hexadecimal name, with "000" at the beginning. But also I won't need them, because I thought they would be useful, to make CloudFlare's "Google Trust" work here. But I was mistaken. In fact, it is because of these certificate confusions that I avoid using "Full Strict" in SSL configurations, as I have had problems with them recently.
  10. Hi, today I changed the management of my domain to CloudFlare and as usual, I generated the "Origin Server" certificate. I tried to apply these certificate on this server, but curiously, this is the only server where I can't use them, on others I can upload the (.pem) file without problems. Can I know the reason why I can't use them on Heliohost? Thank you!
  11. I still had issues with the other scripts, but I fixed them by making the same changes. Now everything is fine. This shows that my site needs a deeper update. I'll see if I can do that soon. Thank you!
  12. Hi all, my website is having problems with this 500 error. My website is developed in Perl/CGI, have you made any changes to how this script is interpreted? The problem occurred as soon as my site was transferred to the new server, but I was only able to verify it now. Thank you!
  13. Hello Admins, I would like to request the removal another disabled domains. Thank you in advance!
  14. Oh yes, I already knew about this need, but I appreciate it anyway.
  15. Hello Admins, I would like to request the removal of some domains and subdomains, to show which ones should be removed, I have placed them as "disabled". Thank you in advance!
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