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About loretzjr

  • Birthday September 10

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  1. Hello, My apology in sending this request again. I'm trying to login my account but it was already suspended, and it shows the following messages when I'm trying to renew. "Uh oh, something went wrong. I recommend contacting support for further assistance." Please help. Below are my details: username: retzjr server: tommy domain: https://retzjr.heliohost.org/ Thank you!
  2. Hello, I would like to request to have access / render aspx files in my tommy server account. username: retzjr Thank you!
  3. Already received it and already login in Plesk. Thank you!
  4. Thanks @MoneyBroz, how long should I wait for it? Any idea? Thanks
  5. Hello, I'm trying too look for the section for renewing account but it seems there is no specific so I post it here. I tried to renew my account but right after I'm not able to login it shows "Unable to login with that username and password." My domain is up and I'm able to open it in browser but not able to login in Plesk. Please help. Below is my details: username: retzjr server: tommy domain: https://retzjr.heliohost.org/ Thank you!
  6. How much is the minimum donation to be counted? Thanks.
  7. Hi Wolstech, Noted on this. Thus donation to be moved in Plesk still goin on? or already closed? Where and how to donate to be prioritized to moved in Plesk?
  8. Hi Wolstech, Please check on this link my donation before Thanks,
  9. Hello HH Team, Good day. Just to confirm if previous donation aside from last year is counted to be moved in Plesk? I donated $5 before for the "SPARKLE SERVER" via GoFundMe and also my data storage is doubled that time in Tommy server. Below my details: a. your HelioHost username: retzjr b. the server your account is on: Tommy c. your HelioHost main domain: https://retzjr.heliohost.org/ I will appreciate the reply and the efforts of the team. Happy New Year! Regards, Loreto
  10. Hello, I donated for the Sparkie Server? Thus my storage at Tommy Server will be automatically doubled? Below my donation details through GoFundme. Donation summary: Benefiting charity: Helio Networks Program: GoFundMe Certified Charity Campaigns Transaction ID: 40G839329W968613D Date: Oct 13, 2019 16:30:00 PDT Your contribution: $5.00 USD Your Tax deductible contribution: $5.00 USD Thanks! Loreto
  11. Thanks everyone, I already successfully registered in Ricky Server.
  12. Hello, When can I receive an invite in Ricky Server? Thanks!
  13. Noted and Thank you!
  14. An admin will need to confirm your donation and they will send an invite to Ricky. I have already recommend that this be moved to 'Escalated Requests' under 'Customer Service'. Noted with Thanks! Once I got the invite link do I need to register with new email address and credentials?
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