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  1. Ah, sorry for the confusion, I totally forgot about permissions! (Changed test file to 755 but not main file...) Thank you so much for all your help! -xRaZx
  2. Hmm... I seem to be getting 500 internal errors when trying to run this. Am I doing anything wrong by trying to run the start.py and stop.py by navigating to the url where it is located? Or should I make a cron job? If so, what would the intervals be? I have a test.py that just prints a message which is working fine in the same folder, so I'm pretty sure it isn't a problem with getting python to run. Is there anyway I could get the error message? EDIT: Sorry for the double post -xRaZx
  3. Ah, sorry for the confusion. Thanks for helping me solve my problem. For future reference, how many tries does it then block the IP? -xRaZx
  4. Ah, yes I do, my bad! I'll remove them. Could you unblock my IP please? Sent you a PM! Thanks! -xRaZx
  5. Hello, My IP was blocked recently, and I don't know why. Did I make a mistake or infringe on the terms of service? If so, I apologize, as I was just trying to get things to work. This is the blocked message: "The IP address ********* has been blocked for an unknown reason. You won't be able to continue to cPanel until an admin unblocks you. To request that your IP be unblocked please visit" I removed my IP for privacy, but if I could pm someone my IP to get it unblocked, that would be ideal Thanks! -xRaZx
  6. Wow, I should have posted earlier! Thanks for the help; this seems to be exactly what I want to do! I'll let you know how it turns out! -xRaZx
  7. Hello, I just want to ask a few questions before I try anything. Can python scripts be run other than through utilizing CGI or CRON? Also, if a python script is run through CGI, will the script stop when I close the tab/loose connection? If so, is there anyway to allow the script to continue running? And is there anyway I can kill it if necessary? Basically, I want to run my python script as a singleton and be able to let it run and stop it when necessary. Hopefully what I'm trying to do is not against any terms. Thanks in advance! -xRaZx P.S. Sorry if this is a double post as this is the second time writing this post.
  8. Thanks for the help!
  9. Hello, I would like to have these modules installed: gspreaddiscord.pyPython version: 3.6 Username: pyraz Server: Tommy Thanks in advance! -xRaZx
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