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  1. It is working perfectly now. Thanks again
  2. No, I'm getting the same error: " permission denied for schema public"
  3. Hi, I'm having some troubles with postgres after the move to Plesk Database: cardao91_rooksitiodb User cardao91_admin seems to be left over from cpanel instalation, but I can't see it on Plesk. If I try to create it again I get a message saying it already exists. If that's the case please delete the leftover user User cardao91_ricardo was created on Plesk but I can't use it to execute queries. I'm getting "permission denied for schema public" messages. I tried granting privileges to it but I also don't have permission for this Thanks in advance
  4. Username: cardao91 Paypal transaction id: 8HT75056BE485952C
  5. Ok, I request it on version 8 then. Thank you
  6. pdo_pgsql and pgsql extensions are only found on PHP 7.3, not the newer ones.
  7. Username: Cardao91 Server: Tommy Reason: Account was suspended after one month even though I donated back in October to the 2020 server improvements fundraiser. Here is the post about the donation: https://www.helionet.org/index/topic/41584-fundraiser-donation-via-paypal/?do=findComment&comment=180561. Maybe it was a one time bonus?
  8. Couldn't use GoFundMe so I ended up donating via Paypal. Username: cardao91 Transaction ID: 2E4139502U196760V
  9. I can't connect to my postgre database when the PHP version is set to 7.3 on the PHP manager on cpanel. It works fine on PHP version 7.2. Is this expected behaviour? Do I have to configure something? I've attached what phpinfo() shows when version 7.2 is set. It doesn't show anything for 7.3. Thank you.
  10. Hi, Account: cardao91 @ tommy I'm trying to create a postgres database named "cardao91_rooksitio" but I receive a message saying the database already exists. Yet I do not see it, seems it's orphaned or something.
  11. Was helping a friend configure Wordpress in his account (igoreck) and screwed up with sftp. Thanks in advance.
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