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Everything posted by PhoenixFlame512

  1. a Bugatti Veyron 16.4 with a 967bhp W16 engine with quad-turbochargers.
  2. Me too. I have all of the movies on VHS and DVD and I collect a lot of the 3.75" action figures.
  3. would you ladys take the chance of us missing and p***ing on the seat? or would you wrather us miss and p*** on the part none of us use I think it would just be better if all of us aimed right.
  4. I think that if you were to put something like that together, a combination of Yahoo! and A9 would be the best, or perhaps MSN Search and A9.
  5. Well, the Star Wars trilogy actually refers to the three original movies, episodes IV, V, and VI. I actually thought that The Empire Strikes Back, the second movie in the original trilogy, was pretty good. And I thought that Episode I, the Phantom Menace, was the worst one ever.
  6. Ah yes, the stationary DVD players. I have five situated in my house. But for the computer based DVD burner drives, I only have two, and a DVD-ROM drive.
  7. Lol! Apparently, the Korps Commander used to have more than a hundred posts a day on Krazyletter.
  8. I will probably go and see it within the first week. I mean, a lot of stuff will be revealed, like what happens to Mace Windu and how Padme dies.
  9. the molten core of the Earth.
  10. While I'll agree that we would most likely be better off with Clinton as the President, you can't blame this all on Bush. I mean, being the President is a difficult and demanding job. And it doesn't always depend on the particular President, it depends on what is going on in the world around us. Bush just happened to become President at the wrong time.
  11. But after we got rid of Hussein, that's when the insurgencies started. And now we must save ourselves from the insurgents.
  12. Despite having China be the biggest source of imports for the United States, we can still get imports from Mexico, Japan, Holland, Italy, Malaysia, Taiwan, et cetera.
  13. With the release of the final episode in the Star Wars saga just weeks away, how are the members feeling about it? Personally, I am looking forward to it, there are a lot of unexplained mysteries and we'll soon find out.
  14. Well, the majority of people now are in fact smarter than the people of thirty years ago, some just aren't as wise. I mean, we know more stuff than the people of the 30s did, because the world has developed a lot, therefore, today's students are educated a lot more and better. Not necessarily. Do you know another reason why the United States is in the mid-east? I have one word for you: oil. While the United States is developing hydrogen fuel cells and hybrid-electric cars, there are still too many existing cars on the road that rely solely on gasoline. And many large reserves of crude oil can be found in the mid-east. Also, if the United States went to war with China, then it woul be an economic disaster, because the United States gets more than 40% of its imports from China. Not to mention that the United States also exports a lot of stuff to China. And export is important for a country's economic stability.
  15. I actually agree with you on this one. I mean, if they are so ungrateful, then so be it. I mean, someone tries to help them, and this is the thanks we get.
  16. People often say that a person's insurgent is another person's freedom fighter. The insurgents aren't interested in other people's freedom.
  17. I think The Commodore sounds cooler as a nick name.
  18. the wood spontaneously combusted inside their mouths.
  19. It seems as though people these days are so ungrateful. The United States is a better place than it was thirty years ago. I mean, even with these jobless people, the unemployment rate is still much lower than it was during the Great Depression. And it's the people's fault that the unemployment rate is as high as it is. I have two words to sum it up for you: inadequate contraception. People were making babies at an alarming rate in the 50s and 60s. So now there are too many people and not enough jobs. But I expect the unemployment rate will drop within a decade's time.
  20. My native language is English. But I am also fluent in Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese. I am learning Japanese at my school right now.
  21. Goldeneye was good too. But The Spy Who Loved Me had lots of action, like the car chase with the Lotus Esprit. I mean, that was so funny when he blew up the helicopter from underwater. And then there was Stromberg trying to shoot Bond from under the table and then Bond turned the tables on him (no pun intended) and shot him with the same table.
  22. I use a "homemade" DVR, it is pretty much a small form factor PC with a TV tuner card so I can record shows. I also installed a DVD burner drive inside in case I wanted to watch shows on another device. The DVD recorders are pretty nice, I mean, some even have built-in HDDs, but I find the interface of a computer to be mroe intuitive, besides, then I can play games on my 65" television.
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