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Everything posted by PhoenixFlame512

  1. No, because in addition to having links to the outside, MSN Search puts in some pretty good Microsoft stuff, like Encarta for instance. But I rarely use MSN Search because Yahoo! seems less cluttered than the MSN homepage.
  2. I have never used Frontpage, but Dreamweaver works fine for me and it has always been my program of choice.
  3. No! If you're on a thousand dollar budget, I suggest the Intel Pentium 4 processor with Hyper-Threading Technology. For less than $200, you can get a 3GHz Pentium 4.
  4. It isn't exactly the same though. I expect there were modifications.
  5. No, I thought it was better than The Phantom Menace.
  6. Like I said, we didn't attack them! We went merely to see if they had WMDs!
  7. I will. I just haven't had the time because I'm avenging my brother's ban.
  8. But in the realm of movies, there are movies that make fun of all races, so it all evens out. Sometimes this racism actually makes fun of how stupid racists are, not the races themselves.
  9. Well, to understand the diversities of males and females you sometimes have to discuss this stuff.
  10. We didn't attack Iraq, we helped it. The terrorists and insurgents were the ones attacking Iraq. And we didn't say that Iraq had WMDs, we said that they might have WMDs.
  11. Well, it wasn't the mid-east that was the only source of problems for the United States. There were terrorists from other countries as well.
  12. I expect so. But exports are more important for a country's economy than the imports.
  13. I doubt myscrnnm will return, but I expect he will. I mean, he is so addicted to Krazyletter, he will undoubtedly go here a lot too.
  14. I think it was wrong for myscrnnm to be banned, I mean, he was only trying to tell the people the truth. I have asked a lot of veteran Krazyletter-goers and it appears as though the Gamemaster was only there for the free hosting.
  15. A lot of movies appear racist. But what a lot of people don't understand is that it is just a bit of humour.
  16. That wouldn't make sense. Cuz Leia recalls seeing her mother. And that would be sad if Windu got killed by that old man. I mean, he is stupid and evil.
  17. I am myscrnnm's younger brother, duh! We use a wireless router so all of the computers in our house have the same IP address. Krazyletter is more organized because the admins actually try to stop spamming. Unlike here, there is no spam-protection.
  18. myscrnnm never made the forums disorganized. If anything, the forums are as organized as ever. And you're exagerrating, there are a total of 19 forums in Krazyletter. And at least they're in use, here, you've got six unused forums. See? At least I have facts to support myself, you just use stuff that comes to your head.
  19. and they put in a Bugatti-built W16 engine with 967bhp. But there was no cooling, and everyone was melted to death.
  20. How exactly is it disorganized eh? I have been there and it is well managed. I mean, I can find posts and topics easily. Because there aren't any unused forums and the topics are all worth posting in. I am thinking about joining them.
  21. Well, the Sempron is a low end processor. I mean, if you are really on a tight budget and you are a hardcore AMD fan, I would suggest the AMD Duron processor. It is uber-cheap and runs at a reasonabl speed. But if you are on a slightly tight budget, the Intel Celeron processor is the CPU for you. But still, you might want to hold out until the Intel Pentium Ds start shipping. It is reported that Dell, Acer Computer, and Alienware have all started buying the Pentium D chips from Intel Corporation.
  22. If terrorists were really trying to make political statements, they could at least try to find a non-violent way of doing it. I mean, people say that one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter, but the terrorists aren't interested in other people's freedom. They just kill people for the heck of it. Hussein was a threat because he was being a dictator. It is a war on terror. A war is defined as a struggle or competition between oposing forces for a particular end. The United States is fighting against the terrorists, which might I mention are just as dangerous as any other enemy. And the particualr end we want is to have peace. And the insurgents are causing terror in Iraq, so by definition, this is in fact a war on terror. The United States needs the oil. Too many of our cars rely on the stuff.
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