Korps Commander
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Everything posted by Korps Commander
Oh, no, ShadowNite, you're assuming wrong. myscrnnm and I are the best of friends outside these forums, in everyday life. Its just that we argue mainly for fun, and sometimes we get annoyed at each other IN THE FORUMS. So Helionet and Krazyletter aren't really impacting anything outside of the computer.
Gamemaster_268, join my forum, WorldChat! Djbob, I don't give a **** about whether you join or not, but GM_268 would be a nice addition.............
Ok, here it is! My new forum called WorldChat! The URL is http://s2.phpbbforfree.com/forums/?mforum=worldchat . So please visit this!!!!!!! I'm looking forward to see all of you there! EDIT: I took the politics idea from Helionet, and I am actually going to make it work on my forums, unlike some people..........anyway, I'll credit Helionet for it, so don't worry.
Admins, how easy is it to create and manage a forum like KL or HN?
I can't believe that you thought that myscrnnm was ever good. I challenge you to find a post where myscrnnm actually said something helpful.
No offense for all you nerds, but I really don't see what's so great about hosting, free or not........................
majazac, you obviously haven't been reading my posts on this topic. I just scream on this forum for the fun of it, or because I'm a pessimisst. 511 DEEEEEEEEEEEEATH AND DESTRUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
"now is that ignorance, or am I?" I'll take the former. "I know KC, to be a kind person, even when fairly angry." Amen! "that's taking any respect for you that I had to a bare minimum." Um, why exactly did you have respect for him in the first place? "I know you have a bit of good in you left myscrnnm" Sorry, Mr. Nite, but I think you're heading down a dead end road. Myscrnnm really doesn't have any goodness left in him anymore........he's lost every quality he once had to be proud of. HerLoss has the right idea, flaming myscrnnm until he runs screeching away in mental pain.
509 SPIES ARE HACKING INTO OUR ACCOUNTS!!!!!!!!!! PROFANITY!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE GOODNESS IN THIS WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My god, myscrnnm must hate GM_268..................... *KC throws ShadowNite into the pool of shaving cream*
Lol, ShadowNite, myscrnnm was probably typing too fast or whatever when he tried to make these posts.
ShadowNite, thank you, thank you so much for seeing through myscrnnm. When I saw your posts on "my" recent posts, I was kinda puzzled, but then I saw what happened. Apparently, myscrnnm had taken my account or whatever while I had stepped out of the room. See if I ever let him touch my HN account again..................
THIS POST WAS MADE BY MYSCRNNM HACKING KORPS COMMANDER'S ACCOUNT. THIS IS MYSCRNNM'S OPINION AND DO NOT FLAME KC FOR IT Thank you: Gamemaster_268 What the ****?! Just because HN is a ****hole doesn't mean that u have to blame every problem on myscrnnm! Just because u, HerGain, r a ****ing retard, doesn't mean that u have to place your woes on myscrnnm! He used 2b a respectable member on HN forums, until the ****ing Gaymaster_268 banned him out of spite! Perhaps u should reconsider and let myscrnnm come back, so he can wash the filth out of HN forums. And instead of doing this, u ban me and keep certain members on HN! Disgusting I say, disgusting! 4 example, take ShadowNite. He/she is obviously mentally deranged or plain stupid and ignorant, but u keep this piece of **** on HN without so much as a fine for ignorance of his magnitude!
THIS POST WAS MADE BY MYSCRNNM HACKING KORPS COMMANDER'S ACCOUNT. THIS IS MYSCRNNM'S OPINION AND DO NOT FLAME KC FOR IT Thank you: Gamemaster_268 What the **** r u talking about?! Phoenix_flame512 was obviously myscrnnm's cousin! Why r u people against him because he is only a blood relation against mysrnnm?! Listen to the song Strawberry Fields 4ever. Only then will you understand.
THIS POST WAS MADE BY MYSCRNNM HACKING KORPS COMMANDER'S ACCOUNT. THIS IS MYSCRNNM'S OPINION AND DO NOT FLAME KC FOR IT Thank you: Gamemaster_268 Obviously the Adminral is using his ****ing dictatorial powers 2 influence Lappy512's decisions on my ban. Honestly, I think that myscrnnm and I are holding out quite well without having 2 have the ****ing Gaymaster_268 crawl over 2 us and try 2 join our side. We do not need shameless mercenaries like him/her. And HerLoss, go **** yourself, you freaking son of a *****. If u r not with us, then u need 2b against us. And you support Lappy512, so obviously u r against us.
THIS POST WAS MADE BY MYSCRNNM HACKING KORPS COMMANDER'S ACCOUNT. THIS IS MYSCRNNM'S OPINION AND DO NOT FLAME KC FOR IT Thank you: Gamemaster_268 Go **** yourself, u ****ing son of a [bleeped!]. Mercenaries like u do not deserve to have fun on these forums. 507
THIS POST WAS MADE BY MYSCRNNM HACKING KORPS COMMANDER'S ACCOUNT. THIS IS MYSCRNNM'S OPINION AND DO NOT FLAME KC FOR IT Thank you: Gamemaster_268 And then KC's troops came in and grabbed Gaymaster_268 and pummeled him until all that was left was a bleeding pulp. Then, myscrnnm came in 2 the building and took Gaymaster_268's head and nailed it 2 a wooden board on the table. As Gaymaster_268 screamed, myscrnnm whipped him until blood poured out his back. B4 Gaymaster_268 died in pain, myscrnnm said "thats what you get for being a ****ing mercenary." and took out his Smith & Wesson model 5 handgun, blowing off the creature's head.
Where did you go?
Thankfully, Lappy512 is going away for a few months. What do you think this means for KL forums?
too late. I already posted a topic about him. HAHA!
*The molten marshmallow launcher explodes in GM_268's face, sending him into unconsciousness.* I want to see myscrnnm's post in this topic! GM_268, you need to put that back!
Please post why you respect myscrnnm, or why not. I guess its safe to talk about him, now that he's permanently banned.
You know, I should create a topic about myscrnnm..........
No, GM_268, you are correct. Lappy512 and his cronies have it in for me, even though myscrnnm should suffer 4/5 of the blame. And Mynck probably should also be reprimanded for allowing myscrnnm to tamper with his account. But sigh, KL is getting worse every week, and these things are going to become more common now.
*KC's assassins are hiding in the gold treasure chests, and leap out and put an end to the evil GM_268's miserable life.*