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Korps Commander

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Everything posted by Korps Commander

  1. Of course, with pop-ups, you can just "x" out of them in three seconds................
  2. Warren Harding was a president sometime in the 1920s or 1930s, I believe. He cheated on his wife, imported beer illegally, chose his friends to be top advisors instead of qualified people, and truly messed up the White House in many more ways.......... Have any of your presidents ever had secret lives that they kept hidden from the public?
  3. I doubt the U.S. would get involved, because the americans are already in enough trouble in the centre of Iraq.................
  4. I doubt those huge airplane companies would hand over a jet's responsibility to one of THOSE pilots............
  5. Has anybody here ever done those 10 things in an elevator?
  6. Does djbob even post in KL anymore? I haven't seen many of his posts there............
  7. Good, I can't wait to see how this turns out..............
  8. Why are Krazyletter and Helionet such bitter enemies? I mean, people in Krazyletter badmouth people in Helionet, and vice versa? WHY, is why I am confused. To my understanding, Helionet has done nothing wrong at all, and Krazyletter seems to take offense at having a rival website. Actually, Helionet seems to be far better than Krazyletter, because of the democracy issue. These hostilities are just sickening, and I wonder why the admins of both websites aren't trying to compromise very well................ :angry:
  9. Which type of dumping hurts the most? 1) When someone tells it to you in the face, with no beating around the bush 2) When someone slowly lets the information out one piece at a time, until you have to figure it out on your own
  10. Animal Farm is a pretty good book - it cleverly shows the effects of communism..............
  11. Which is the WORST movie that you have ever seen, and why?
  12. I think that movie was a bit stupid, actually.........................
  13. HAHAHA! That is really funny............
  14. Wouldn't "yes" be a complete sentence, also?
  15. The people around you would get really angry! That list should be changed to 24 things not to do in an elevator................
  16. And if you lied to a police officer, you could get fined..........
  17. Well, I was about to click, but reading these posts made me change my mind.................
  18. Wasn't Harding worse than Bush? And FDR had his own "secret life" that the public didn't know about, btw.
  19. He sat on your lap? Scary............
  20. Why did he leave? I'm guessing djbob banned him or you all pressured him to leave. Anyway, judging from your descriptions, I'm glad that he did..........................
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