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Everything posted by maicol01

  1. Ok thanks, solved!
  2. Firefox 53.0.3 x64
  3. The error is that SSL doesn't active and remains a blocked lock on the adresses bar.
  4. Yes, thanks. So the error of tabellainterrogati.ga is like this?
  5. Ok, but https://mkgamers.ml gives me error SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN on Firefox 53.0.3 x64 and https://tabellainterrogati.ga doesn't active SSL...
  6. I solved. Now the last thing and then I'll delete this account. If you could, can you install SSL on all my domains in the Tommy account? Thanks
  7. Ok thanks
  8. Hi, what is better Tommy or Ricky by functions, uptime,...? Thanks
  9. It doesn't work... Softaculous doesn't view it...
  10. Ok thanks, and how can I restore it in a different server? P.S.: I'm backing up data from Tommy account (username: maicol07) to Ricky Account (username: maicol01). Thanks
  11. I have a problem with backup and restore... How can I backup a Softaculous installation? Thanks
  12. Ok, sorry... I'm backing up all data from Tommy...
  13. Hi, could you please install free auto SSL certificate on my addon domain mkgamers.ml? Thanks
  14. Thanks! If you can change it back to maicol01 it would be great
  15. But I can't recreating it with the same username... It says that it isn't avaible...
  16. Ok, it is in queue for deleting. Thanks!
  17. Hi, I want to move my account from Johnny to the new server Ricky. This script doesn't work... It says that my password is incorrect... : http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/delete.php Can you please move me from Johnny to Ricky or delete my account, so I can recreate it on Ricky? Thanks
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