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Everything posted by Australian-Assault

  1. the %2 interest is per day.
  2. I like your enthusiasm but i think thats going a bit off topic so i am not going to post anymore, and yes i have played surf maps.
  3. The bank is enabled, i found out that you have to wait 1 day before you can grab interest, and you can deposit and widthdraw money. click here while logged in then click bank.
  4. My problem is solved, we bought a gaming server which had space for maps to, but we could not use rapidshare or any sharing website because with the game if you do not have the map it automatically downloads it from the server or a place where the server specifies, the place had to have all of the maps in it and it had to be a directory not a page where you can get a random link to the file.
  5. Man you sure know your models, are you in that industry or do you just like the look of em.
  6. Can you give me a time for the next time you upgrade apache?
  7. Hi with the website i am still constructing i have ran into a problem, i am writting it with php and the picture functions i would like to use are not supported by this webhost. I would like to know if you could install them for me . Apparently you would need to install "GD library" but there is more info here.
  8. Its not completely a download site it is also the clan website of a counter strike source clan australian assault and a deathmatch clan called whosclan i will probobly also install forums on both, they dont get a lot of visitors because not many people know about them. I never saw your 2.5gig bandwidth plan (posting) though, i might go for that.
  9. haha its so true, thats why i like australia because we dont have as much problems with fast food taking over and not many people have plastic sergery ( not that i can see when i walk down the road anyways) i dont think i have ever known any1 who has gotten a boob job.
  10. So then its not possible? I dont have a site that gets that many hits and the reason why i have the free plan is because i do not wish to have ads placed anywhere on my site, i hate ads and i would be a hypocrit to allow them onto the site. EDIT can i get two hosting sevices on this webhost and get people from the clan to register on the forum and post where they could be usefull? then donate the points to me?
  11. Hi i am hosting a site for a counter strike source clan and its also the site where i hold the maps for them to be downloaded by people missing the maps when they join the server. I have currently been into this service about 5 days and i have used up 350mb or so of bandwidth, i want to know if u can but a buy bandwith option in the shop so if i buy it it will make me pay 50 helions every month or however u wanna do it, i would like 1 gig more of bandwidth please. Is this possible ?
  12. LOL funny as hell, i have to tell someone. Has anyone else got more?
  13. 1533 (lol this will make the database HUGE)
  14. How long do i have to wait before i can collect the interest out of the bank i wanna get my 5 helions!!!
  15. Hi i am new and over the past couple of hours i have gone through the whole forum and i cant seem to find much on graphics so i am starting this for people to recommend which graphics software is the best to use, also can you list any free software that has the same or simmillar features to software which costs money (eg photoshop).
  16. What are they about?
  17. The sims, but only cause i havent played the singles (never heard of it) you got a review for me?
  18. System of a down and linkin park.
  19. Final Destination 3
  20. Deltora Quest, interesting books - VERY INTERESTING
  21. Good movie, i like it - theres another one to my collection.
  22. Australian, there are 4 people who live in Antartica? You'd be lucky to find 4 people in Antartica at all.
  23. LOL why am i the only 1 who has voted?
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