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  4. This support request is being escalated to our root admins.
  5. Hi. I have VPS59. I was attempting to get 2FA working, but had some problems with RDP when I enabled it. After experimenting a bit, I managed to change the way SSH logins work so it asks for "Password & verification code:", but regardless of if I input <password><2FA code> or opposite order, all without <> of course, it declines me. I don't know if you have methods to get into my account. If yes, would someone be able to go to /etc/pam.d/sshd And then change the two top lines to the below instead of their current lines. With this change, I will be able to login again through SSH. auth required pam_google_authenticator.so auth required pam_unix.so If you're not able to log in to my account, would it be possible to wipe my VPS clean? If this is the only option, I'll donate another $4 for the trouble, same price as the initial setup. I have backups of the most important stuff outside the VPS.
  6. You were suspended for high load. However i cannot unsuspend you at this time due to you creating another account. I can unsuspend this account but the new account that you made will be suspended as you can only have one account per the ToS.
  7. why my account was blocked , i just upload node server yesterday for test node servers in your free plan
  8. Last week
  9. Domains added. They can take up to 2 hours to start working. Display name has been changed as well.
  10. If you're asking for this because your domain wasn't working, it's working now. Do you still want this reset?
  11. Please post the domains in question. For your forum account? Yes, let us know what you want it to be and we can change it. No. We don't offer private support.
  12. My suggestion to start improving performance would be to remove some of these plugins, especially the page insights one. Because WP causes so much load with each page view, you actually will be best off minimizing the number of bots crawling your site and the number of things that have to run on each page load. aioseo-image-seo aioseo-index-now aioseo-link-assistant aioseo-redirects all-in-one-seo-pack-pro monsterinsights-page-insights
  13. Unsuspended, again. Please fix or remove WP quickly. If you get another load suspension for this, you will be required to delete Wordpress entirely and use something else.
  14. Hello I own two domains, are you able to add them to my account for me? Also. can i change my display name as well? is there a way to mark posts private?
  15. wipe my account and set "patelvivek.online" main domain
  16. What domain would you like to change it to?
  17. You already received a response from wolstech about this issue here: https://helionet.org/index/topic/61001-unsuspend-my-account/
  18. It looks like it's already unsuspended. Please remove WP quickly. It's the number one cause of load suspensions, especially when extensions are installed. Your site is already causing load spikes again as seen on the far right of your load chart.
  19. Hello sir, Please unsuspend my account as it got suspended again as I was going to delete old WordPress after taking backup. Also I promise that there won't be any overload after I remove it. Also, I'm activating premium cdn. Username tarkesh7 Server Johnny Dr. Tarkeshwar Patil
  20. Maybe it wasn't 6 hours ago, but it definitely is now. High server load. 11487.30 CPU. This is your second time for this. What have you done to attempt to fix the issue?
  21. You're suspended for having more than one account. Which one would you like to keep?
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