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I can't access my webmail... which I configured in helionet cPanel to use my domain registrar (bigrock.in) settings .. when I access the link webmail.algby.com I get helionet cPanel login where I should get a login something like us2.webmail.mailhostbox.com Have I configured incorrectly .. In my domain registrar (bigrock.in) control panel I have set my NS to point to ns1.helionet.org & ns2.helionet.org & later I appended dns4.bigrock.in dns2.bigrock.in dns3.bigrock.in & dns1.bigrock.in



How Do I Configure my DNS / MX / CNAME to use webmail service provided by my domain registrar (bigrock.in) I've updated the DNS details in cPanel which I got from my domain registrar (bigrock.in) control panel which are as follows:

Instructions by my domain registrar (bigrock.in)


Your DNS Manager must insert the following MX records in the DNS Zone of algby.com

100 algby.com. us2.mx3.mailhostbox.com. 1 day 100 algby.com. us2.mx1.mailhostbox.com. 1 day 100 algby.com. us2.mx2.mailhostbox.com. 1 day


Please add the following CNAME records for your branding to work

Alias Host Canonical Host TTL imap.algby.com. us2.imap.mailhostbox.com. 1 day pop.algby.com. us2.pop.mailhostbox.com. 1 day smtp.algby.com. us2.smtp.mailhostbox.com. 1 day webmail.algby.com. us2.webmail.mailhostbox.com.

1 day


Your DNS Manager must insert the following TXT records in the DNS Zone of algby.com


I have updated the TXT as well .. but still can't access my webmail .. Please assist.

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