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Krydos last won the day on March 7

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  1. Your rebuild has been started, and you'll get an email in a bit when it finishes. Your next free rebuild will be available on 202504-12. If you need additional rebuilds prior to that date they can be purchased for $1 each. Once you receive the email letting you know that the rebuild is done you should be able to reset your password at https://heliohost.org/reset/ Let us know if that doesn't work and we can manually reset it for you.
  2. I'll add that to the list of possible known issues regarding the server to server moves. If we can recreate the issue we may be able to fix it for future moves. Thanks.
  3. I only see one database, but which table exactly are you having issues with? I did check table and repair table on all of them and nothing was broken and nothing needed repaired.
  4. This should be fixed, and I added it to the checklist for future Plesk clones.
  5. WSGI control access has been enabled on the domain max.helioho.st. To restart your Django app and load new code changes in simply edit /home/max.helioho.st/httpdocs/infoniveau/basesite/dispatch.wsgi. Adding a blank line, removing a blank line, adding a space, or removing a space are examples of editing the file. As long as the last modified timestamp changes it will clear the server cache. Let us know if you run into any issues.
  6. WSGI control access has been enabled on the domain revokeauth.com. To restart your Flask app and load new code changes in simply edit /home/revokeauth.com/httpdocs/api/flask.wsgi. Adding a blank line, removing a blank line, adding a space, or removing a space are examples of editing the file. As long as the last modified timestamp changes it will clear the server cache. Let us know if you run into any issues.
  7. Remote desktop is working fine for me on VPS113. Maybe the reason we've never got a response on this issue is it started working for @blgc again?
  8. @wolstech I was about to close this topic for inactivity, but took one more look to see if I could figure out which Windows Server VPS belongs to them. I still couldn't find a VPS, but I noticed this person has a Tommy account and a Lily account. I suspect they are trying to login to the Lily account with remote desktop. I'm pretty sure that isn't available, but maybe you can provide Lily support.
  9. That means your home and work internet connection or firewall is blocking outbound connections on port 1373. I just tested http://portquiz.net:1373/ myself and it was really slow to load so maybe their server is having issues so it may take a few tries but if you have outbound port 1373 enabled you should eventually see this
  10. It looks like you're running out of memory When your server runs out of memory it uses hard drive space as swap. When your server runs out of swap it starts randomly killing high memory usage processes. Clamd is an antivirus process that uses a lot of memory. MySQL/MariaDB probably also got killed because it uses a lot of memory. Normally I would suggest disabling clamd, but since you're running your VPS primarily as a mail server it might be a good idea to have a virus scanner so your emails can be scanned. I rebooted your VPS, and it's responding now. SSH was working but only on IPv6 port 3289. Not sure if that was intentional. I re-enabled IPv4 on port 22 if you're still having trouble connecting.
  11. HelioHost is doubling our daily memory limit from 100 GB to 200 GB on Johnny and Tommy accounts. Morty accounts will also be able to use up to 200 GB of memory in a day before overage charges begin to get added to the bill. We've had the 100 GB memory limit for a while now, but we think it is time to raise the limit. Most languages are fairly memory efficient, but since we offer Node.js hosting it's nearly impossible to do anything with it, while also staying under the memory limit, because it's so bloated. Ever since we started offering Node.js hosting in 2019 it has basically been a death sentence for any account that tries to use it since it consumes so much memory, and some accounts get suspended after only an hour or two. We are also one of the few free hosting providers that allow long running processes like Discord bots, Telegram bots, and web sockets that can also use a lot of memory too. If you follow our Discord bot guide you end up with an extremely simple Python bot that uses about 50 GB of memory per day, but as soon as you add more features it can easily exceed the old 100 GB per day limit. It's well documented how much we hate Wordpress around here, but we can't deny that it is extremely popular software that a lot of people use. Even with zero plugins you can't get more than about 4k page hits per day before you exceed the old 100 GB limit. Most free hosting providers intentionally set obnoxiously low limits on things like this to force people to upgrade to their paid hosting, but we want our free hosting Johnny plan and donor hosting Tommy plan to be useable, not just schemes to force people to upgrade. Likewise Morty accounts can now use up to 200 GB of memory included in the base $1 per month, before the overage charges of $0.0005 per 1 GB memory begin to accumulate. Let us know if you have any questions.
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  12. There are 3 limits: Email address Domain Subscription Wolstech set the subscription level back to 1000, but didn't change the domain limit or the email address limit. They are all three set to 1000 per day now. Apparently the increased email sending limit doesn't copy over when you switch servers. This is the first time anyone with an increased limit has changed servers so it's good information for us to know.
  13. What do you see when you go to http://portquiz.net:1373/ ?
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