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im a user of ASP.NET(C#), well i know heliohost didnt provide MSSQL for database.

so i converted my codes to MySQL.

i created MySQL databse in CPANEL & use PhpMyAdmin for create my tables. all done perfectly.

now, i need connection string. i dont know how to find this strings. please help me

i will use connection String in ASP.NET web.config file.

for my localdatase in computer i used this>>


<add name="myConnString" connectionString="Server=;Port=3306;Database=ella;Uid=root;Pwd="password" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>


now what is the Heliohost connection string.

i need SERVER IP, PORT, ...& what uid & pwd use in this, from MySQL or my main account id/pass.

my website name is ellalanguages.co.cc & username "jessash7"

please tell me what to do


thank you.


Server - localhost

Port - 3306 (usually not needed in PHP applications, but I'm not sure about ASP.NET)

Database* - cpusername_dbname

UID** - cpusername_mysqlusername

Pwd** - mysqlpassword


*MySQL Database names are in the format of cpanelusername_database name. For example, if your cpanel username was "heliohost" and your database was called "db123," you would have to put "heliohost_db123" into your app.


**To create a MySQL username and password: In your cPanel, go to MySQL Databases (the same place you created a database). Under MySQL Users, enter a username and password (twice) to create a MySQL User. This does not have to be the same as your cPanel username and password. Under Add User to Database, select the new username you just created and the database name (joomla1), then click Add. On the next page, click the box next to All Privileges and then press Make Changes.


Please note that your MySQL username also requires your cpanel username and and underscore (like database names), but your password is just the password you created.

Server - localhost

Port - 3306 (usually not needed in PHP applications, but I'm not sure about ASP.NET)

Database* - cpusername_dbname

UID** - cpusername_mysqlusername

Pwd** - mysqlpassword


*MySQL Database names are in the format of cpanelusername_database name. For example, if your cpanel username was "heliohost" and your database was called "db123," you would have to put "heliohost_db123" into your app.


**To create a MySQL username and password: In your cPanel, go to MySQL Databases (the same place you created a database). Under MySQL Users, enter a username and password (twice) to create a MySQL User. This does not have to be the same as your cPanel username and password. Under Add User to Database, select the new username you just created and the database name (joomla1), then click Add. On the next page, click the box next to All Privileges and then press Make Changes.


Please note that your MySQL username also requires your cpanel username and and underscore (like database names), but your password is just the password you created.


Thank You, I will try, if it worked or not...i will inform you ;)

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