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Just signed up, uploaded my shop software and I'm setting it up now. All good so far! Thank you!


I am aware I need to include a linkback to Helionet/Heliohost and like an idiot I've misplaced the HTML code I copied at signup.


Would you please post it here or point me to where I can find it? So I can include it in the footer and it will then appear on every page viewable to the public.


Apologies and thanks in advance.


Best wishes


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There is no need to include a link to HelioHost on your website.


If you want you can of course. In which case you can use the following code:

<a href="http://www.heliohost.org/">HelioHost</a>

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Thanks for that, that's standard stuff. I thought there was some kind of tracking/referring code included and I thought it was part of the ToS. I've no idea where I got that idea from, sorry! :s This explains why I couldn't find what I was looking for.


In any event, it's only fair you get a link, you might get some business out of it and I'll feel better about it.


Best wishes



There is no need to include a link to HelioHost on your website.


If you want you can of course. In which case you can use the following code:

<a href="http://www.heliohost.org/">HelioHost</a>


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