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PIL library is not more accessible


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Hello! I have noticed that you update Python version from 2.4 to 2.7. It's really cool but some my pages use PIL library which not aviable now, so they don't work. Are going to install PIL for Python 2.7 too? Or how can I use the old version 2.4?

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Guest Geoff

You can switch python versions if you are using a CGI script. If you are using WSGI, you are stuck with 2.7.


If we downgraded python, we would be downgrading for the entire server. HelioHost strives to use the latest software; python 2.7 is installed because it is the latest version that is compatible with django.


When django becomes compatible with python 3, we will be sure and upgrade to use that version.


EDIT: I'm going to see if I can install that library using easy_install. What server are you on?

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Guest Geoff

Server: stevie.


PIL has been installed on stevie:



version       1.1.7
platform      linux2 2.7.1 (r271:86832, May 15 2011, 21:32:40)
              [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48)]
*** TKINTER support not available
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