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Byron's script is still returning 'could not connect to stevie'. Would that error still be returned if the maximum people were logged in? or only if the server is down?


My script just dies for what ever reason it can't connect. As far as I know php can't return ftp errors like this?


<<< 421 50 users (the maximum) are already logged in.


At least I can't find a way using php's ftp functions. Anybody know?




A friend of mine did use fsockopen, so could get all the data sent by the server to the client. Obviously all the FTP commands have to be specified correctly and sent to the server, too, using this method, so you need to know enough this protocol.

A little more simple to use is cURL, but in such situation it's return only "This doesn't seem like a nice ftp-server response" for me, not the real server responce.



For those who interested - my monitoring shows orange (no valid responce) for FTP in such case. Red for time-out or offline.







By the way - did you try to reset / turn off and on again the FTP server?

Because I know of existence not that much known bug in Pure-FTPd that can cause such situation. It makes that really already unexisting connections are still considered as existing and counted to the limit. So there can be reported 50, while there is really no 50 of them.

But it may be not the case in here, of course.




I dunno, 42k users stay on ftp on the whole day? ...


"421" is the FTP reply code. Error message is "50 users ...". It's not 42150 open connections, just 50.

Guest Geoff

Yeah, looks like ftp is not working properly right now.

A friend of mine did use fsockopen, so could get all the data sent by the server to the client. Obviously all the FTP commands have to be specified correctly and sent to the server, too, using this method, so you need to know enough this protocol.


Thanks, this should give a little better detail now:




@Geoff: We can restart the ftp server if need be like this:


sudo /scripts/restartsrv_ftp



Guest Geoff

sudo: /scripts/restartsrv_ftp: command not found


EDIT: it is sudo /scripts/restartsrv_ftpserver

sudo: /scripts/restartsrv_ftp: command not found


EDIT: it is sudo /scripts/restartsrv_ftpserver


Sorry about that. That was the code djbob gave me in an IM a couple of weeks ago but I didn't have to use it. Glad you figured it out. :)



Quote: "You are user number 10 of 50 allowed."

Good that simple restart did help.


IF. If this is the bug that I'm relating to, then it appears usually when server is slow and/or some problems (even temporary, for a milisecond) appear exactly when someone is connecting and/or disconnecting. It's quite rare situation, even very rare, but obviously as Stevie is quite often slow - such bug (if it's the case in here) may appear more often than somewhere else.


It's related to Pure-FTPd, as I didn't notice such situation on servers with different FTP software installed and I do monitor dosens of servers. I don't know exactly how it works and why the bug happend, however as the end user for over a year on many servers trying to connect every 2 minutes 24/7 I have such experience. It also may affect a single user on the limit of maximum allowed simultaneous connections per IP.

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