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I applied for an account over 5 days ago and not only can't access my cpanel, but also have not received a confirmation e-mail. Not sure if I should receive confirmation, but I believe I've seen references to such in other forum discussions.


Please advise: am I in the que?


Domain name: greenvalleyrecording.helios.org


User name: Richard

Thank you.


A support admin will be able to let you know if your account is queued. There are currently 300 accounts queued.


If your email is @hotmail, then Hotmail has blocked HelioHost and you probably won't have got a confirmation email.


Wizard has kindly volenteered to make a script that automatically checks if someones account is queued (in development).

A support admin will be able to let you know if your account is queued. There are currently 300 accounts queued.


If your email is @hotmail, then Hotmail has blocked HelioHost and you probably won't have got a confirmation email.


Wizard has kindly volenteered to make a script that automatically checks if someones account is queued (in development).

That script's probably not gonna be up until later this month at least. I'm busy currently porting the HN theme to IPB3.


I also opened and account and I did received confirmation that the account was installed and that my hosting account was added to queue, my question is basically how long does it usually take, and how long do you think it will take for me to access my cpanel, it's been about 3 days and right now i get nothing when I visit the url given to me in the email.


It seems like you guys have a great service going here, and I can't wait to try it out, thanks for accepting my account, I truly appreciate it.









I'm not using Hotmail, just a *.net address... so... should I have received an e-mail confirming my account has been created and I'm in the que? I will be patient and not "bug" you if I know I haven't messed up somewhere and am waiting unnecessarily.


domain: greenvalleyrecording.heliios.org

user: Richard



Thank you.



Whoa, hold the horses... I'm cued... I just checked the site and it says I"m cueed (or however the heck you spell that <LOL>)

I've not been successful in logging into my cpanel however... will keep trying.




My username is rocktech and domain is rocktechuae.com. I received an email on Jan15 that my hosting account has been added to the creation queue but I still cant login to cpanel. All the features of heliohost seem so exciting and I am eager to check them out asap. Kindly tell me exactly how long it will take to be able to login to cpanel as I have to put up my website.


Thanks and Regards,


I'm not using Hotmail, just a *.net address... so... should I have received an e-mail confirming my account has been created and I'm in the que? I will be patient and not "bug" you if I know I haven't messed up somewhere and am waiting unnecessarily.


domain: greenvalleyrecording.heliios.org

user: Richard



Thank you.



Whoa, hold the horses... I'm cued... I just checked the site and it says I"m cueed (or however the heck you spell that <LOL>)

I've not been successful in logging into my cpanel however... will keep trying.


UPDATE: I can now access my cpanel. Now, off to uploading the site. Thanks!!!


@everyone who's still waiting: afaik, the queue is working, maybe a little slow, but working. It'll take up to a week, tops because of a backlog earlier in the year.


Thank you guys, my cpanel seems to be working, my site is up, and I'm loving HelioHost, you guys totally rock!!!



Thanks and keep up your awesome work!!!!

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