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[Solved] How do I make my Domain SSL?


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I'm getting:


Error 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error.


SSL is not even working on his site. I'm not even getting an error about the certificate not being validated.



URL_REQUEST (id=2910)  [start=Tue Feb 08 2011 16:36:54 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)]
t=1297204614065 [st=  0] +REQUEST_ALIVE                  [dt=178]
t=1297204614065 [st=  0]    +URL_REQUEST_START_JOB       [dt=  2]
                             --> load_flags = 1114241 (ENABLE_LOAD_TIMING | MAIN_FRAME | VALIDATE_CACHE | VERIFY_EV_CERT)
                             --> method = "GET"        
                             --> priority = 0          
                             --> url = "https://babyginge.heliohost.org/"
t=1297204614067 [st=  2]    -URL_REQUEST_START_JOB       
t=1297204614067 [st=  2]    +URL_REQUEST_START_JOB       [dt=176]
                             --> load_flags = 1114241 (ENABLE_LOAD_TIMING | MAIN_FRAME | VALIDATE_CACHE | VERIFY_EV_CERT)
                             --> method = "GET"        
                             --> priority = 0          
                             --> url = "https://babyginge.heliohost.org/"
t=1297204614067 [st=  2]        HTTP_CACHE_WAITING       [dt=  0]
t=1297204614067 [st=  2]        HTTP_CACHE_OPEN_ENTRY    [dt=  3]
t=1297204614070 [st=  5]        HTTP_CACHE_CREATE_ENTRY  [dt=  3]
t=1297204614073 [st=  8]        HTTP_CACHE_WAITING       [dt=  0]
t=1297204614073 [st=  8]       +PROXY_SERVICE            [dt=  0]
t=1297204614073 [st=  8]           PROXY_SERVICE_RESOLVED_PROXY_LIST  
                                   --> pac_string = "DIRECT"
t=1297204614073 [st=  8]       -PROXY_SERVICE            
t=1297204614073 [st=  8]       +SOCKET_POOL              [dt=170]
t=1297204614243 [st=178]           SOCKET_POOL_BOUND_TO_CONNECT_JOB  
                                   --> source_dependency = {"id":2911,"type":4}
t=1297204614243 [st=178]       -SOCKET_POOL              
                                --> net_error = -107 (SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR)
t=1297204614243 [st=178]    -URL_REQUEST_START_JOB       
                             --> net_error = -107 (SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR)
t=1297204614243 [st=178] -REQUEST_ALIVE                  

CONNECT_JOB (id=2911)  [start=Tue Feb 08 2011 16:36:54 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)]
t=1297204614066 [st=  0] +SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB             [dt=177]
t=1297204614066 [st=  0]    +SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB_CONNECT  [dt=177]
                             --> group_name = "ssl/babyginge.heliohost.org:443"
t=1297204614066 [st=  0]        TCP_CLIENT_SOCKET_POOL_REQUESTED_SOCKET  
                                --> host_and_port = "babyginge.heliohost.org:443"
t=1297204614066 [st=  0]       +SOCKET_POOL                   [dt= 85]
t=1297204614151 [st= 85]           SOCKET_POOL_BOUND_TO_CONNECT_JOB  
                                   --> source_dependency = {"id":2912,"type":4}
t=1297204614151 [st= 85]           SOCKET_POOL_BOUND_TO_SOCKET  
                                   --> source_dependency = {"id":2915,"type":5}
t=1297204614151 [st= 85]       -SOCKET_POOL                   
t=1297204614243 [st=177]    -SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB_CONNECT  
                             --> net_error = -107 (SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR)
t=1297204614243 [st=177] -SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB             

CONNECT_JOB (id=2912)  [start=Tue Feb 08 2011 16:36:54 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)]
t=1297204614066 [st= 0] +SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB             [dt=85]
t=1297204614066 [st= 0]    +SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB_CONNECT  [dt=84]
                            --> group_name = "ssl/babyginge.heliohost.org:443"
t=1297204614066 [st= 0]       +HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL            [dt= 5]
                               --> source_dependency = {"id":2913,"type":7}
t=1297204614071 [st= 5]       -HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL            
t=1297204614071 [st= 5]        CONNECT_JOB_SET_SOCKET        
                               --> source_dependency = {"id":2915,"type":5}
t=1297204614150 [st=84]    -SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB_CONNECT  
t=1297204614151 [st=85] -SOCKET_POOL_CONNECT_JOB             

HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_REQUEST (id=2913)  [start=Tue Feb 08 2011 16:36:54 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)]
t=1297204614066 [st=0] +HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_REQUEST        [dt=5]
                        --> address_family = 0          
                        --> allow_cached_response = true
                        --> host = "babyginge.heliohost.org:443"
                        --> is_speculative = false      
                        --> priority = 0                
                        --> source_dependency = {"id":2912,"type":4}
t=1297204614066 [st=0]     HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_CREATE_JOB  
t=1297204614066 [st=0]    +HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_JOB_ATTACH  [dt=5]
                           --> source_dependency = {"id":2914,"type":8}
t=1297204614071 [st=5]    -HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_JOB_ATTACH  
t=1297204614071 [st=5] -HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_REQUEST        

HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_JOB (id=2914)  [start=Tue Feb 08 2011 16:36:54 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)]
t=1297204614066 [st=0] +HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_JOB  [dt=5]
                        --> host = "babyginge.heliohost.org"
                        --> source_dependency = {"id":2913,"type":7}
t=1297204614071 [st=5] -HOST_RESOLVER_IMPL_JOB  
                        --> address_list = [""]

SOCKET (id=2915)  [start=Tue Feb 08 2011 16:36:54 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time)]
t=1297204614071 [st=  0] +SOCKET_ALIVE               [dt=172]
                          --> source_dependency = {"id":2912,"type":4}
t=1297204614071 [st=  0]    +TCP_CONNECT             [dt= 79]
                             --> address_list = [""]
t=1297204614072 [st=  1]       +TCP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT  [dt= 78]
                                --> address = ""
t=1297204614150 [st= 79]       -TCP_CONNECT_ATTEMPT  
t=1297204614150 [st= 79]    -TCP_CONNECT             
t=1297204614151 [st= 80]    +SOCKET_IN_USE           [dt= 92]
                             --> source_dependency = {"id":2911,"type":4}
t=1297204614151 [st= 80]       +SSL_CONNECT          [dt= 92]
t=1297204614151 [st= 80]           SOCKET_BYTES_SENT  
                                   --> byte_count = 99
t=1297204614243 [st=172]           SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED  
                                   --> byte_count = 564
t=1297204614243 [st=172]           SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED  
                                   --> byte_count = 0
t=1297204614243 [st=172]           SSL_HANDSHAKE_ERROR  
                                   --> net_error = -107 (SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR)
                                   --> ssl_lib_error = -5938
t=1297204614243 [st=172]           SOCKET_BYTES_RECEIVED  
                                   --> byte_count = 0
t=1297204614243 [st=172]       -SSL_CONNECT          
t=1297204614243 [st=172]    -SOCKET_IN_USE           
t=1297204614243 [st=172] -SOCKET_ALIVE

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asweeba: What cPanel says isn't relevant. Like I said, cPanel /thinks/ that all non-default IPs are dedicated. However, unless I've explicitly told you that I've assigned you a dedicated IP, you don't actually have a dedicated IP.


If it's working out for you anyways, that's good - we have a limited supply of dedicated IPs.


Well that's strange, maybe it just took a while for the dedicated IP address to activate or something of the sort, because my website is finally working with SSL!!!


The address finally loads with https:// in it! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


PS: You did assign me a dedicated IP, you told me somewhere in the first page of this thread.


Thank you, DJBob! Thanks to everyone else who helped too!

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