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Sorry about the delayed response-- We were having a few problems.


This appears to be a problem with heliohost. However your main domain is http://samusexu.heliohost.org/.


Do you have this as an addon domain?




If this is an addon domain (your response was unclear), you will need to post in the addon domain thread.


If it is a parked domain, you should be able to delete the parked domain, then recreate it.


I think sparkswillfly.org is my main domain name; after I registered for Heliohost, I received an email with that domain and I've been uploading content in that domain. I don't remember creating http://samusexu.heliohost.org/ or seeing it in the cpanel. I'm currently having trouble logging in to heliohost.org with my username as well. The cpanel doesn't recognize my password.


Hmm... I'm thinking your account expired.


Have you logged into CPanel every 30 days?


I don't see your account in the database.


And about the other domain, http://samusexu.heliohost.org/, the username for that was samusexu, not samus. Sorry.


I did log in every thirty days. I never received an email about my account expiring. Also, when I go to my site, my favicon pops up but the site doesn't work---does this mean anything?


Favicon is just cached by your browser. It will expire in a couple of days, then you will not see it anymore.


I can't think of anything else, maybe another administrator deleted your account.


Signing up again is the best thing you can do. I don't know how your account got deleted.


You should have gotten an email if it were suspended due to inactivity.


I never received an email about this. When the site was first down, HelioHost said "your account has been queued" but later it returned to normal...


You could try and recover as much data as possible here.


I recommend you create a new account. However, due to the current problems, it could take up to 96 hours or longer for your new account to be activated.


Sorry for any inconvenience.

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