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Who is overwriting my index.html file????


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I'm a new user.


It is the second time that I check my homepage (http://abcdefgh.heliohost.org) and I find an index.html file that is not written by me!

(Excerpts from the file: "[...] This Site Hacked By Iranian DataCoders Security Team [...] www.datacoders.org " )

(I renamed the file, so you can find it here: http://abcdefgh.heliohost.org/index.1.html ).


How could it happen? After the first time, I thought it was because in some way someone got my password, so I changed my password with a more "difficult" one. But: I checked last login data, and I find nothing strange. Apparently no other person was logging in in my account except of me.

But I find twice the same "foreign" file.


How can someone overwrite files in my directory /public_html without knowing my password?


How can I prevent this thing to happen again?


Is some other user having the same problem?

Am I doing something wrong?


Thank you in advance, and best regards


(English is not my mother language, please forgive my mistakes in writing)

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